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已有十分明确无疑的迹象。There have been indubitable signs already.

他的出色表现让这部电影成为了毋庸置疑的经典。His brilliance renders this film an indubitable classic.

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每一个结果都有一个原因,这是确定无疑的。What is indubitable is that every effect must have a cause.

整个市场的成长不如预期是无可置疑的。The growth of the whole market is indubitable as expectancy.

毫无疑问,他是信息技术界的精英。It is indubitable that he is an elite in information technology.

整个市场的成长不如预期是无可置疑的。The growth of the whole market is not indubitable as expectancy.

我们在辩论中提出的不容置疑的证据,击败了对方。The indubitable evidence we produced bore down our opponents in the debate.

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他寻求确定性,并且使用他的怀疑方法去争取发现不容置疑的东西。He was looking for certainty, and used his method of doubt to try and find what was indubitable.

我的短文集证明,细小的礼节与惊天动地的事件之间存在著不容置辩的联系。The power of my collection is the indubitable link between small courtesies and earth-shattering events.

我国住房抵押贷款增长非常迅速,住房抵押贷款市场的发展潜力是毋庸置疑的。The housing mortgage loan is growing very fast and the future of the loan market is indubitable in china.

但是,相反的,真话说一千遍,真话就更深植人心、难以动摇了。However, on the contrary, it is wonderful, tell a truth a thousand times and makes the truth more indubitable.

因此,重视初中义务教育阶段的德育教育是毋庸置疑的。Therefore, it is indubitable to attach importance to the moral education of the junior compulsory education period.

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应该仅仅考察凭我们的心灵似乎就足以获得确定无疑的认识的那些对象。We should attend only to those objects of which our minds seem capable of having certain and indubitable cognition.

存在是毋庸置疑的事实,存在在其存在过程中显现为由低到高的四重境界。Existence is an indubitable fact. It undergoes four different stages from its elementary beginning to the advanced form.

随着互联网的飞速发展,网络营销无可置疑的成为了企业关注的重点。Along with internet's swift development, the internet marketing indubitable has become the key point which the enterprise pays attention.

与此同时,在华韩资企业对人才的重视以及其对人才培训的成功实践经验,已经成为当今世界不容置疑的事情。At the same time, the attention to the talent and the successful experiences on staff training of the Korea-funded enterprises has become an indubitable thing.

关于女性主义这一概念以及它所代表的运动与理论虽然存在着许多争议,但它对当今世界的影响却是不容置疑的。Although disputes still exist on the concept of feminism, the movements and theories what it represents, however, its deep influence on our times is indubitable.

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政策的重要性无可置疑,科学制定政策需要有效的政策方法论,需要政策研究和政策制定之间优势互补和良性互动。The importance of policy-making is indubitable. A scientific policy-making procedure relies oneffective methodology and the cooperation of policy-maker and analyzer.

对这一不争的事实原因的研究,已经成为西方的一个重要研究课题,且研究结果也复杂多样。The researches on the reason for this indubitable fact, especially in the west, are gradually becoming an important study field, whose results are complex and complicated.

拿破仑军队减员的主要原因是行动速度过快,俄国军队的减员毫无疑问地证实了也是同样的原因。The chief cause of the wasting of Napoleon's army was the rapidity of its movements, and an indubitable proof of that is to be seen in the corresponding dwindling of the Russian army.