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是的,我知道你挣的很少。Yes, I know you’re all underpaid.

我被少发工资太长时间了。I have been being underpaid ? too long.

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他们不仅年轻优秀,而且在合同初期,薪金还很低。They are not only all young and good, but also underpaid.

若邮件邮资不足,香港邮政会收取欠资及相关费用。Underpaid mail items are subject to surcharge by Hongkong Post.

过去,他们许多人工资低微,吃了上顿忙下顿。In the past, many of the, were underpaid and lived from hand to mouth.

首先,尽职地做出一些调查,看看你是否真的被少付了应得工资。First, do some due diligence to determine if you are being underpaid in general.

这里同美国的其他地方一样,学校里学生超员严重,教师薪酬偏低。Here, as in many parts of the state, schools are overcrowded and teachers underpaid.

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警察和法庭人手不足,报酬太低,无法抵御贿赂,抵抗威胁。Police and courts are understaffed, underpaid and susceptible to bribes and threats.

微软同时声称公司将立刻补足那些没有获得足额遣散费的员工。Microsoft also said that the company is immediately reimbursing the underpaid employees.

一个误解,一个被泄露的秘密,一笔没有偿还的借款,一次有欠考虑的轻俏之举。A misunderstanding, a betrayed confidence, an underpaid loan, an ill-conceived flirtation.

一如许多刚刚走出校门,从事待遇微薄的实习生工作的大学生,我有时心情很差,总想发脾气。Like many recent college graduates working as underpaid interns, I sometimes feel out-of-sorts.

如果一名妇女发现因为性别关系她所得的酬劳过低,那么她就有义务报道出来。If a woman finds that she is underpaid due to her gender, it is her responsibility to report it.

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在出生地爱尔兰,艾莉丝在一个小镇里过着毫无希望的生活,干着收入微薄的工作,面临着残酷的未来。In her native Ireland, Eilis had few prospects, an underpaid job and a grim future in a small town.

你是想有一个薪水高的警察保护你还是薪水低的持枪警察在街上溜达呢?Would you rather have a well-paid officer protect you or an underpaid one walking your streets with a gun?

多年来身为一个低收入、低地位的工厂劳工,使他成为一个爱发牢骚、满腹委屈的老头。Years of being an underpaid and underappreciated factory worker had made him into a querulous, bitter old man.

就在并购距成功仅一步之遥时,时间到了90年代,此时恶意收购已经和低薪总裁一起,成了稀罕物。It came close to succeeding, and hostile takeovers became as rare in the 1990s as an underpaid chief executive.

持续的教育经费缩减意味着教师超负荷工作,相比高要求,他们的收入菲薄。Constantly cutting education budgets means that teachers are overworked and underpaid for what they are being asked to do.

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例如,一个职工想要从他的工作中获得更多的报酬,因为他觉得自己的努力所得报酬过低。For example, an employee demands more money for their job because they feel they are underpaid for the work they are doing.

他十分熟悉那些时常没有活计的农民、那些收入低微的工人和潦倒的士兵,了解他们嫖女人、酗酒和吸毒的情况。He was the man who knew what underemployed peasants, underpaid workers, and sullen soldiery did about sex and drink and drugs.

长时间的加班有可能得不到加班费,或者只能得到过低的薪酬。Long hours of overtime work may go unpaid or underpaid. Also, victims may be overcharged for their housing, food and other items.