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做什么运动有助于健康?What motion to do to conduce to health?

财富不一定会给人带来快乐。Wealth does not always conduce to happiness.

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这样饮食有助青春期发育?。Development of such dietary conduce adolescence?

这种不耐烦的话无助于纠纷的解决。Such hasty words will not conduce to a settlement of the dispute.

我们球队的体育精神表现有助于提高学校的荣誉。Our team's sportmanlike conduce redounds to the credit of the school.

我们球队运动员的风度有助于提高学校的声誉。Our team's sportsmanlike conduce redounds to the credit of the school.

苹果中的含钙量比一般水果丰富多,有助于代谢掉体内多余盐分。The apple fruit more than rich calcium, conduce to the metabolic off redundant salts.

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化妆可以使人年轻,无数广告喋喋不休地告诫我们。Cosmetics can conduce to one’s youth, which is repeated nonstop to us by countless commercials.

当儿童哭啼时,父母及时关心护理,有助于感情的交流。When the children were crying, parents timely care nursing, conduce to the emotional communication.

关于这种体罚方式能在多大程度上引导小孩对事物有更好的认识,这个问题可以留给心理学家去讨论。It is for psychologists to debate how far this method is likely to conduce to a better grasp of things.

尿中如出现白细胞管型,有助于对肾盂肾炎的诊断。Be in charge of like occurrence leucocyte in ④ make water model, conduce to the diagnosis to pyelonephritis.

艺术激发人的精神,使人感动、驱除惧怕,有助于病人从病痛中康复。Art invokes the person's spirit, sensational, drive is scared, conduce to a patient recovering from inside ailment.

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乙方的其他保险和福利待遇甲方应将按国家有关规定执行。As for other items of insurance and welfare the Company shall conduce according to relevant regulations of P. R. C.

首先,良好的家庭环境为个人提供了一个优良的发展平台,有得于个人身心的健康成长。Firstly, a good family atmosphere can supply a good chance for someone. And also can conduce to the healthy growth.

中段尿镜检及细菌培养不仅有助于诊断,对指导药物治疗也有帮助。Check of lens of middle make water and germiculture conduce to not only diagnose, medication to guidance helpful also.

营销主体和营销客体的明确有助于营销理念在各高校的推行。The affirmance of principle part and object of marketing can conduce to the marketing idea development in the college.

一顿营养均衡的下午茶不仅能赶走下午的瞌睡虫,还有助于恢复体力。The afternoon tea with a balanced nutrition can drive away the drowse bug afternoon not only, still conduce to refection.

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希望通过对这种最简单的水分子二聚体的研究,对以后的炸药分子间的相互作用的研究有所帮助。The work of the study of H2O dimmers' interaction may conduce the research of the interaction in the explosive molecules.

另外,在政府、企业主体间的良性互动和支持下,新母城的雏形就可以顺利形成。In addition, the virtuous interaction and mutual supports among enterprises can conduce to the emergence of New Mother Town.

本工艺对减免井架施工的占井工期、缩短整个矿井建设工期有一定的意义。The technique conduce to decrease time due to installing headgear occupy shaft alone and cut construction time of whole mine.