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菲尼明显是一个高调的反叛者。Mr Fini was ostensibly a high-minded mutineer.

第六世达赖死在路上青海,声称死于疾病。He died on the way, in Koko Nur, ostensibly from illness.

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场景中的讨论应该覆盖行为表面上的意思。The discussion in the scene should cover what the action is ostensibly about.

从表面上看,银行降低经营风险是要维护自身利益。Banks are ostensibly acting in their own self-interest by cutting back on risk.

一名男子以参加家长会为由请了一天假。A man asked to take the day off ostensibly to attend a teacher-parent conference.

和什么样的数百英亩土地的表面释放被拆毁。And what about the hundreds of acres of land ostensibly freed by the demolitions?

她装做要去洗手间,离开父亲的房间,这才又哭了个痛快。She left the room, ostensibly to wash her face and hands, and cried her eyes out.

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此举表面上会将所有不良债务从银行转移至政府手中。The move would ostensibly move all the bad debt from the banks to the government.

他们表面上面临着行动限制,受到警察的监管。They ostensibly face travel restrictions and are subject to monitoring by the police.

如果把Netflix公司比作一面墙,这些愤怒的回复和评论就像充满愤怒的涂鸦,填满了这面墙的每一个角落。It was like angry graffiti, covering every inch of what is ostensibly a corporate wall.

这种映射完成后,用户可以表面上发挥太平洋业务中心傍或俄罗斯方块心灵感应。After this mapping is finished, EPOC users can ostensibly play Pong or Tetris telepathically.

表面上,丑猝不及防的崛起,让艺术突然进入了一个审丑的时代。And the rising of the ugliness ostensibly make the art plump in the time to appreciate on it.

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其后他被假借间谍罪判处了25年苦工,在西伯利亚的一个监狱营地中服刑。He was sentenced, ostensibly for spying, to 25 years of hard labor in a Siberian prison camp.

法国这么做表面上是在拯救报业,但也是会为了培养人们终身学习的习惯。Ostensibly to bail out the newspaper industry but also to foster a life-long habit of learning.

在复活节的破裂,少数党领袖打电话给克林顿表面上协商妥协。During the Easter break, the minority leader phoned Clinton ostensibly to negotiate a compromise.

我们正在打的一场战争表面上对阿富汗有利,但并没有得到其人民的同意。We are fighting a war ostensibly for the good of Afghanistan but without the consent of its people.

中国表面上提供了一种经济模式,在这种模式中,国有公司继续发挥重大作用。China ostensibly offers an economic model in which state-owned companies continue to play a big role.

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开始试验听起来好像很简单,因为相当程度上,我知道一个8岁男孩能够表面上完成它。At first the test sounded simple, not least because I knew an 8-year-old could ostensibly complete it.

以办事机构名义从事经营活动的,由公司登记机关依法查处。Company registries shall investigate and handle business activities engaged in ostensibly as an office.

这些“微缩版”航母表面上是两栖攻击舰,但可以被当做轻型航母。These are ostensibly amphibious assault ships, but can be configured to act as 'light' aircraft carriers.