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梅林是个魔林师。Merlin is a magician.

墨林深深地爱上那少女。Merlin fell in a dotage on the damsel.

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问问这头名叫莫林的宽吻海豚就知道了。Just ask Merlin the bottlenose dolphin.

曹政真是一个射手。Merlin was actually quite the marksman.

梅林把剑再次的放回石头中。Once again Merlin put the sword in the rock.

第二天,莫甘娜被梅林用魔法救活。The next day, morgana is merlin saved by magic.

我是罗克沃尔.斯林格,这位是默林.格里夫斯。I'm Rockwall Slinger and this is Merlin Greeves.

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默林尝试不同的方法使自己看起来有点滑稽。Merlin tried different ways to make himself fool.

更为古老的传说称墨林使用巫术堆起了那些巨石。Older legends say that Merlin raised the stones by magic.

梅林很难过,小莫到底弃明投暗。Merlin was very sad, little mo exactly abandoned pitch dark.

当其时醒来,他看到默林和动物们都围在他周围。When the knight awakened, he saw Merlin and the animals all around him.

只有默林才会用这种伎俩愚弄我,尽管他还懂得更高明的花招。Only Merlin would seek to gull me so, even though he should know better.

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而梅林从湖上女王维安的手中获得了圣剑Excalibur。At the same time , Merlin got a saint sword Excalibur from Lake Queen Vian.

“你害怕你会严重受伤或被杀。”默林补充道。"And you were afraid you would be seriously hurt or killed, " added Merlin.

亚瑟王传说中的梅林和莎士比亚笔下的卡利班就是两个著名的扮人妖。Merlin of Arthurian legend and Shakepseare’s Caliban are two famous cambions.

阿雷陀的仆人芬娜千辛万苦去找梅林要给他预言。LeiTuos servant savannah untold hardships to find merlin to give him a prophecy.

我们的工业竞争对手不需要每年上演梅林传奇的童话剧。No annual pantomime of Project Merlin is required for our industrial competitors.

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梅林街道位于福田区的北面,有中心区后花园之称。Merlin streets in the Futian District, northern, central area known as the garden.

我在一个旧帽子中放一小块肉然后让灰背隼从中与食,就似乎帽子是一个皮革制的碗。I place a piece in an old hood and let the merlin feed from it like a small leather bowl.

最初的需求驱动需要的垫圈准确地收紧了罗尔斯罗伊斯的默林发动机的气缸盖。The initial demand-driven gasket tighten the cylinder head of the Rolls-Royce Merlin engines.