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贵州金丝桃对大鼠自发活动无兴奋作用。Hypericum kouytehense Lévl did not show excitation effect in locomotor activity.

结论BBB评分对SCI模型运动功能评价具有明显优势,可作为今后研究的标准评分法。Conclusion It is reasonable that the BBB scale is a standard test for SCI locomotor function assessment in rats.

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在田间软组织损伤的运动体系还有不同的方法及诊断结果。In the field of soft tissue lesions of the locomotor system there are several different ways to reach a diagnosis.

最高剂量的达戈大幅增加自发活动没有受到影响的情况在场的乙醇。The highest dose of dago that significantly increased locomotor activity was not affected by the presence of etoh.

运动问题是造成母猪淘汰的主要原因,但它对保证母猪能摄取足够的钙磷也非常重要。Locomotor problems are a common reason for culling and it is important to ensure adequate intakes of calcium and phosphorus.

这些结果说明生理限制和尾自切是原尾蜥虎运动能力变异的重要来源。These results suggest that physical burden and caudal autotomy should be the origin of variation in locomotor capacity in H. bowringii.

相较于控制组动物,试验性老鼠进食正常,但体重较轻,且局部运动活性较高。Compared with control animals, the experimental mice had normal food intake but lower body weights, as well as greater locomotor activity.

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自发活动是动物最基本的行为学表现,用于多种精神神经功能的研究。Locomotor activity is the most basic behavioral phenomenon of animals, and can be used in many kinds of psychoneuropharmacological investigations.

结论移植人羊膜上皮细胞使恒河猴脊髓半切损伤后运动功能明显改善。Conclusion Transplantation of HAECs into the hemiseetioned spinal cord of Rhesus monkey was effective in improving the locomotor function of hind limb.

“这种行为形式,不管是独立性、运动能力,还是亲代抚育和发育过程,都与兽脚类恐龙的生活史相似,”他说。“This form of behavior — independence, locomotor capacity, parental care and development — could be similar to the life history of the theropod,” he said.

这种行为——独立、运动力、亲代抚育和成长——可能与兽脚亚目食肉恐龙的生命轨迹类似",戴尔博士说。“This form of behavior — independence, locomotor capacity, parental care and development — could be similar to the life history of the theropod, ” he said.

随后观察冰片对长时连续作业大鼠活动-静止行为、觉醒时间以及穿梭箱主动回避反应的影响。Subsequently, locomotor activity, wakefulness time and active avoidance response of rats during the subjective day were observed after application of borneol.

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目的探讨不同光暗周期对小鼠白细胞数量分类计数与自发运动活动的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of different light-dark cycles on total and differential counts of leukocyte as well as spontaneous locomotor activity in mice.

在与主管治疗师费沃格夫女士协商后,我们意识到在整个训练的过程中步态疗法的基础治疗是当务之急。After consulting Mrs. Freivogel, the leading physiotherapist, we realised that during the training, it is imperative that the basics of the locomotor therapy be considered.

王新宇。改良穴位配合康复训练对脑梗死患者上肢活动能力及日常生活能力的影响。中国针灸,2007,4。Influence for locomotor ability and activity of daily life of cerebral vascular infarction by improved acupoints and rehabilitation exercise . Chinese acupuncture 2007 , 4.

运动是由脑干区域的网状脊髓神经元所引起,而这些神经元又是被间脑和中脑分离的一些运动命令神经元群所控制。It is activated from the brainstem reticulospinal neurones, which in turn are controlled from diencephalon and mesencephalon with separate populations of locomotor command neurones.

目的观察雌二醇、结合雌激素和雌激素受体调节剂对去卵巢大鼠摄食行为的影响。ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of the estradiol, conjugated estrogen and raloxifene on the food intake behavior, locomotor activity and sucrose choice in the ovariectomized rats.

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研究人员说,这是第一次,他们的知识,这种电刺激和运动训练相结合的战略,帮助别人独立和移动的帮助。Researchers said this is the first time, to their knowledge, that this combined strategy of electrical stimulation and locomotor training has helped someone stand alone and move with help.

通过分析人体的解剖结构和人体各环节的连结及运动,参考以往生物力学建模的经验,将人体简化为具有纯转动铰链的无根树形多刚体系统。According to anatomical structure of locomotor system of human body and experiences of modeling in biomechanics, the human body was simplified as a multi-rigid system with simple rotate joints.

限时饮食动物能预期饮食时间,并表现出食物预期性活动、体温上升以及皮质酮分泌等。Animals administrated by restricted feeding can predict feeding time, as revealed by anticipatory bouts of locomotor activity, changes in body temperature and secretion of plasma corticosterone.