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我们为什么要雇佣你?Why should we employ you?

产品是否具有激光部件?Does this device employ a laser?

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周总理曾经常在那里办公。Premier Zhou employ to stay ITe.

他聘有高级律师。He had top lawyers in his employ.

你怎样利用你的余闲时间?How do you employ your spare time?

采用多重模型和方法。Employ multiple models and methods.

我把我的全部精力用于写作。I employ all my energies in writing.

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你们公司现在招聘人吗?Does your company employ people now ?

高等初等中等学校时她常常欺负我。IT employ to bully me in high educate.

小时间常在这条河里游泳。As a boy, I employ to swim in the river.

现有约20,000名雇员服务于赫比公司。We currently employ about 20,000 people.

学校是否具有聘外资格?。Is the school SAFEA authorized to employ?

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我们用铝做饭锅。We employ aluminium for our cooking pots.

只有明智的人才能合理使用空暇时间。None but a wise man can employ leisure well.

使用逆向链接来开发类。Employ backward chaining to develop the class.

工厂既雇用男工,也雇用女工。Factories employ both male and female workers.

你受他的雇用,这是一个多麽有利的位置呵!You're in his employ. what a coign of vantage!

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这些车间总共雇佣了大约4500名员工。Together, the plants employ about 4, 500 people.

这个特工人员是外国雇佣的。The agent was in the employ of a foreign country.

我靠伪装经过厨房混了进去。I employ my disguise to sneak in over the kitchen.