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阿猫同伴也有帮助。A feline companion can also help.

你见过“胡迪尼猫”吗?Have you ever seen a feline Houdini?

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猫血涂片,红细胞缗钱状形成Feline blood smear, rouleau formation

她长着那种细长的猫样的绿眼睛。She's got those long green feline eyes.

蜘蛛人的动作像猫一们灵活。The spiderman moves with feline agility.

现在,这个小的猫科动物可能失踪了8个月.This little feline may be down to 8 lives now.

你不需要变成猫来研究猫科动物You don't have to be feline to study the feline.

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这种醒觉,简直和猫的脚步一样地轻悄。The awakening was almost feline in its stealthiness.

被猫爪抓到了要打预防针么?。Was caught by feline claw should hit precautionary needle?

对于城市居民来说,养猫咪更符合他们的生活调调。The feline is an ideal lifestyle match for the urban dweller.

不过那些猫咪爱好者也不要得意,你们的猫科类朋友也绝非善类。Don't get smug, cat lovers. Your feline friends are no better.

亚洲中部丘陵地区有白色长毛的大型猫科动物。large feline of upland central Asia having long thick whitish fur.

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自剑齿虎灭绝以来,尚未有任何猫科动物从这个世界上消失。Not since the time of the sabertooth has a feline species gone extinct.

这位海洋生物学家说。对厄尔而言,吃鱼就像吃狗或猫一样。For Earle, eating a fish would be like eating a dog alternatively a feline.

在他最阴险和最意味深长的某些时候,我会想起马龙·白兰度。At times, I was reminded of Marlon Brando at his most feline and insinuating.

一位猎人在阿富汗瓦汉山顶捕获这只猫科动物。This feline wastrapped by a hunter high in the Wakhan Mountains of Afghanistan.

用韦伯斯特博士的优雅短语来说,也就是猫科动物致命诱惑的来源地。Which is where, in Dr Webster’s elegant phrase, fatal feline attraction comes in.

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狂暴龙兽有着灰红色的鳞片以及和真实龙类一样猫科动物般的外表。Rage drakes have dull, deep red scales and the feline build common to true dragons.

竖立着的胡须和裂开的唇上还凝结着乌血。There is congealed blood on the bristling, feline whiskers and the cleft upper lip.

况且沙威的眼睛有着夜鸟那种象猫一样的磷光。Besides this, Javert possessed in his eye the feline phosphorescence of night birds.