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向上看?Look up?

醒一醒。Wake up.

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我坐起来。I sat up.

混合起来。Mix it up.

我梦醒来…I waken up.

快面女起床!Get up soon.

连这都能找到!Even up here!

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他起床了没有?Is he up yet?

她打开了门。She opens up.

去后海。Up to Houhai.

备份文件。Back up files.

踊跃发言吧。Comment it up.

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别向上看。Don't look up.

我喜欢可以拣到的钱。I can pick up.

我叫醒他。I wake him up.

凯站起身。Kiah stood up.

永不轻言放弃。Never give up.

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早睡早起。Wake up early.

醒醒,这是。Wake up. It's.

你天刚亮就起床吗?Get up at dawn?