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和一些有少许私人露台。And some have a little private verandah.

夹带着狂风的大雨淹没了凉台的地面。The wind-driven rain has flooded the verandah floor.

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他在廊子下面的小方桌前坐了下来。He seated himself by the little square table on the verandah.

一天上午,两个巴姨在走廊里打了起来。One morning a brawl broke out between the two Bais on the verandah.

有时圣帕布帕德在阳台上走动并念颂。Sometimes Çréla Prabhupäda walked on the verandah and chanted japa.

一个美丽的阳台围绕着整个建筑。There was a beautiful verandah that surrounded the entire facility.

在较小的北面阳台上,他目击了令人惊异的景像。There, on the small north verandah , he witnessed an amazing sight.

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有一天早晨我偶然站在阳台上往那边看。One morning I happened to be standing on the verandah looking that way.

如果外面阳光灿烂的话,还可以跑到阳台上,舒心地享受你的热巧克力与美餐。If the sun is out, enjoy your hot chocolate and meal out on the verandah.

室利罗摩克里希纳开始在走廊北面的房间里与阿达哈谈起来。Sri Ramakrishna began to talk with Adhar on the verandah north of his room.

有一个良好的居住面积的大小,良好的英文套房设施和一个阳台。There is a good size living area , good en suite facilities and a verandah.

寥落山中寺,清幽廊下碧水深,廊外映苔痕。A mountain temple. Clear water running under the verandah. Moss on the side.

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从后院迴廊望出去,李约瑟可以叫出花园里每一种中国植物的名称。Coming out on the verandah Needham can name all the Chinese plants in the garden.

我会莫名其妙猛冲到凉台上,欣喜若狂。And for no rhyme or reason I am careering about the verandah in an ecstasy of joy.

寒暑风雨,我总睡在三楼的凉台上。Through hot and cold and wet I used to sleep out on the verandah of the third storey.

当我们走出屋子来到走廊上时,我们看见母亲躺在外面院子的一张床上。As we came out into the verandah we saw my mother laid on a bedstead in the courtyard.

然后,他又转身回去在小屋的走廊上继续看他喜欢的小说。He returned to read his favourite, the Sinhala "Lakbima" on the verandah of the cottage.

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旅馆前的走廊上支起了好几面大鼓,可以用来烧烤。The verandah in front of our building had large drums set up for use as barbecue grills.

它拥有传统的园屋顶客厅,更加漂亮的阳台和美丽的景观。The living room, with its traditional dome roof, gives way to a verandah and inspirational views.

在北房的廊子下面站着一个戴着蓝格子头巾的女孩子。A girl with a blue chequered headcloth was standing on the verandah adjacent to the northern room.