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狮子追猎斑马。Lions hunt zebra.

我追猎那头金鹿!I hunt for the golden stag.

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狒狒通常会猎捕花豹。Baboons usually hunt leopards.

调试与狩猎没什么不同。Debugging is not unlike a hunt.

猎狗靠其敏锐的嗅觉追猎。Hounds hunt by their keen scent.

我喜欢啦啦操,喜欢打猎I Like To Cheer. I Like To Hunt.

上星期天他猎到了三只松鸡。He hunt three grouses last Sunday.

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我将自己抛入这狂野的追猎。I cast my self into the wild hunt.

爸爸给我买了一辆准燕赵车友会找工作用。Dad offered me the car to job hunt.

并发动门人,追捕雾骏。And launched his hunt for fog, chun.

亚利桑那州禁止猎杀骆驼。Hunt camels in the state of Arizona.

我正想告诉他,它们总是成对地猎食。I tried to tell him they always hunt

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鸟儿们,飞吧!去猎杀敌人的推土机!Birds away! Let's go hunt some Dozers!

苏和提姆在寻找复活节彩蛋。Sue and Tim are on an Easter egg hunt.

这只青蛇继续鬼鬼祟祟的打猎。The snake continues its stealthy hunt.

阿尔忒弥斯是狩猎女神。But Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt.

韩特先生教我们如何快速阅读。Mr Hunt teaches us how to read quickly.

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那么,为什么企鹅不在晚上捕食呢?So why won't the penguins hunt at night?

猎狗不要多久就会追到那头牡鹿。The hounds will soon hunt down the stag.

白头和双爪也加入了狩猎。Whitehead and Duclaw also join the hunt.