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那只狗染上狂犬病,口吐白沫。The rabid dog foamed at the mouth.

这就是所谓的狂热粉丝。Now, that is what we call a rabid fangirl.

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狂热的互利共生并非只能成双成对。Rabid mutualism doesn't just happen in pairs.

小心,同伴。这些畜生蛮疯狂的。Careful, mate. These buggers are prolly rabid.

我们是和一样服从作为一个狂暴的流浪者。We're back and about as obedient as a rabid dingo.

正是,然后就可以找到所有相关问题的答案。Exactly. Then you can find out all the reasonable rabid.

苹果是一集合了狂热粉丝与仇恨者于一身的公司Apple is a company that spawns both rabid fans and haters.

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患有狂犬病的动物经常成为电视或新闻的主角。Rabid animals on the loose frequent our TVs and newsfeeds.

很可爱但是又很不负责任很危险。就像一只发了狂的松鼠。Both cute and irresponsi bly dangerous. Like a rabid squirrel.

海关消灭了被发现患有狂犬病的狗。The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid.

工商总局的急进,引发了更大的争议。Industrial and commercial of total bureau rabid , caused bigger dispute.

这次转弯是为躲开一群狂暴地冲卡车跑来的人。This time it was to avoid a pack of rabid humans racing toward the truck.

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何不在万圣节前夕给他们来个突袭,扔100只活蹦乱跳的松鼠在他们床上?Why not surprise them on Halloween and throw 100 rabid squirrels on their bed?

他把消费者,雇员和合作伙伴连接起来,并把它们变成狂热的粉丝。He relates with consumers, employees, and partners, and turns them into rabid fans.

各例患者均有病大咬伤史和狂犬病的典型临床症状。They all had a history of rabid dog bite and typical clinical manifestations of rabies.

主要的危险,我们认为,这是当一个患有狂犬病狐狸咬人狗,或者狗吃狐狸与病毒。The main danger to us is when a rabid fox bites a dog, or a dog eats a fox with the virus.

只有一部分骄横不可一世的少壮军官想要继续打下去,但是就连这些人也不免气馁了。Only the heel-clicking and rabid younger officers wanted to continue, and even they were heartsick.

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从运动鞋和冰刀鞋各方的原始照片说明在日本这项次文化是如何开始流行。Original photographs from sneaker and skate parties demonstrate just how rabid this subculture in in Japan.

尽管不及前任共产联盟之狂热,国大党仍然属于左倾,对改革犹豫不决。Though less rabid than its former communist allies, Congress is still left-leaning and undecided on reform.

他是名狂热的棒球迷,常专心阅读体育版以画出他最喜爱球队和球员的成绩表。A rabid baseball fan he pores over the sports pages to chart the exploits of his favorite teams and players.