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NPL在中国各主要港口销售二手集装箱。NPL sales used shipping containers at chinese main ports.

这是该省最大规模的向外资出售不良资产项目。This is the largest NPL sold to foreign capital in that province.

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监管部门必须重新审视中国不良贷款市场的结构。Regulators must first re-examine the structure of the China NPL market.

在动态环境下,银行推迟处置其不良贷款是一种理性的表现。In the dynamic setting, it is rational for banks to defer writing-off their NPL.

针对石膏基植物刨花板不耐水、吸水后强度下降等缺点,选用NPL乳液对板材进行改性。NPL latex was chosen to improve water resistant and wet-strength of gypsum particleboard.

不良资产问题已经成为我国金融系统和经济健康运行的巨大障碍。Now the NPL problem becomes the main obstacle for China's financial system and macro-economy.

不良资产的有效处置是我国金融业改革和发展的核心问题之一。The effective disposal of NPL is one of the core issues of China's financial reform and development.

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研究表明,再投资回报率和不良贷款处置损失率是影响银行处置其不良贷款的主要因素。The result shows that reinvestment return and loss rate are the key factors to the disposal of the NPL.

对于大部分不良贷款投资者来说,抵押品是他们可收回资金的一大来源,包括担保人提供的抵押品。Most NPL investors derive a big source of their recoveries from collecting on guarantees, including collateral pledged by guarantors.

另一种是等价奇点分布法,介绍了该方法的数学原理以及数值处理方法。The principle and numerical treatment of this method are described. NPL monohulls and catamarans are selected as computational examples.

一旦适用NPL的检测站选择了补救,其正式进程就必须伴随着决定和实施合适的行动。Once a site on the NPL has been selected for remediation, a formal process must be followed to determine and implement appropriate actions.

第三章分析了四家金融资产管理公司从四大国有银行收购的不良资产的范围,论述了四大国有银行不良资产二次剥离的必要性及可行性。Inchapter 3 I analyze the scope of the NPL from the four state-owned Banks to AMCs, and the necessity and feasibility of the next carving of NPL in the four state-owned Banks.

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同时,本报告还对东南亚和东亚国家的不良资产的成因和处置方式做了简要的描述,介绍了韩国和泰国不良资产的成因和处理方式。This paper also describes briefly the reason and disposition of NPL in Southeast and East Asian countries, and introduces the inducement and disposition of NPL in Korea and Thailand.

2008年从紧货币政策的核心是从紧信贷政策,对商业银行信资业务增长速度、盈利空间以及不良资产率都会产生影响。The focus of tightening monetary policy in 2008 is to tighten the lending policy which would affect the growth rate of lending business in commercial banks, its profitability and NPL.

继1999年四大国有商业银行剥离了1.4万亿不良资产以后,短短的4年多的时间,又产生了2万亿的巨额不良资产。In 1999, 1,400 billions of NPL was peeled off from the big four state-owned commercial banks, but after 4 years, another 2,000 billions of NPL emerged in the balance sheet of the big four banks.