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它与科技息息相关。Literacy is a neighboring technology.

突尼斯害怕邻近的利比亚。Tunisia is afraid of neighboring Libya.

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祖鲁人征服了所有邻近的群落。The Zulus conquered all the neighboring tribes.

祖鲁人征服了所有邻近的部落。The Zulus conquered all the neighboring tribes.

这名男青年答应娶邻居的少女为妻。The young man betrothed the neighboring maiden.

小羽身边还有我呢!Does the small feather neighboring still have me!

我听到隔壁房间里有奇怪的响声。I caught a curious sound in the neighboring room.

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其中三人在邻国瑞典有居留权。Three of them are residents of neighboring Sweden.

随意地朝临近通道仍东西。Randomly throw things over into neighboring aisles.

邻近的建筑自然是甜甜圈店。The neighboring building is naturally a donut shop.

“黄洞”是我们附近一个小镇的名字。"Bread Cheese" was the name of our neighboring town.

香蕉也被海水冲到了旁边的Ameland岛上。Bananas also washed up on neighboring Ameland island.

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圭亚那的盐都是从邻国进口的。Guyana imports all its salt from neighboring countries.

第一章相邻权的基本理论。Chapter 1 is about the basic theory of neighboring right.

中国总是给邻边国家制造麻烦。China always make trouble with its neighboring countries.

邻近的湖南省,情况也不比这里好。The situation is no better in neighboring Hunan Province.

我们必须过那座桥才能到邻村。We must cross the bridge to go into the neighboring village.

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间隔指的是相邻单元格间的边界。Spacing is the space between boundaries of neighboring cells.

这种护教运动也延伸至邻国马来西亚。Defenders of faith have mobilized in neighboring Malaysia too.

邻近的细胞在干细胞龛孕育了这些干细胞的结构。Neighboring cells cradle them in a structure called the niche.