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同时伴有前扣带回和前额叶功能不良。With anterior cingulate and the frontal lobes dysfunction.

前扣带回共情,情感,决策,认知控制。Anterior cingulate Empathy, affect, decision making, cognitive control.

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若破坏母鼠的扣带皮质,将消除其母性行为。Damaging the cingulate cortex in mother rats eliminates their maternal behavior.

研究显示,前者的大脑前扣带回皮层比后者要活跃的多。The anterior cingulate cortex was activated considerably more in the former than in the latter.

何不干脆一劳永逸地无视大脑前扣带的起床号,让大脑对恐惧的反应缄默呢?Why not just skip the anterior cingulate reveille and muzzle the brain’s fear response for good?

在城市参与者的大脑中,还有一个叫做扣带皮层的区域也异常活跃。Another region called the cingulate cortex was overactive in participants who were born in cities.

扣带回的不同部分调节着痛觉认知和情感的不同方面。Different parts of anterior cingulate gyrus are correlated with cognitive and emotional aspects of pain.

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后扣带回皮质GMV和FA可预测大脑灵活性方面的认知抑制评分。Posterior cingulate cortex GMV and FA predicted cognitive inhibition scores on the mental flexibility task.

目的探讨大鼠大脑皮质运动区投射到扣带回的神经元分布。Objective To explore the distribution of neurons in cingulate cortex projected from cerebral motor cortex in rats.

情绪激动与左侧岛叶和双侧前扣带回皮质的灰质密度降低具有相关性。Agitation was associated with decreased GM values in the left insula, and in anterior cingulate cortex bilaterally.

目的总结扣带回肿瘤的临床特点和微创手术治疗效果。Objective To summarize the clinical features and our experience of surgical skills on lesions of the cingulate gyrus.

这种下降和前额叶区包括框前皮质和扣带回功能不良有关。Such decreases are associated with dysfunction of prefrontal regions including orbitofrontal cortex and cingulate gyrus.

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DeWall领导的小组发现服用止痛药的被试者的前扣带皮质区活动较少。DeWall's team found that the subjects who had taken the Tylenol showed less activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex.

当HRP注入丘脑腹侧基底核时,在同侧扣带回前部观察到标记的细胞,标记细胞密度背侧区比腹侧区高。When HRP was injected to ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus, labeled cell bodies were observed in anterior cingulate cortex.

罗格的色带环皮层的脑岛和外侧几乎完全损坏,但是他的躯体感觉皮层是完好的。Roger has nearly complete damage to his insula and anterior cingulate cortex, but his somatosensory cortex is completely intact.

当对照组受到气味刺激时,双侧的杏仁核、梨状叶、前岛叶和扣带回皮质激活。When the controls perceived odors, the bilateral amygdala, piriform, and anterior insular and cingulate cortices were activated.

几项神经影像研究也表明贪食症人群的前扣带回皮层活动异常。Several neuroimaging studies have also demonstrated abnormal activation of the anterior cingulate cortex in subjects with bulimia.

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结果扣带回接受来自支配前肢和颜面部的运动区皮质以及额叶和躯体感觉区皮质的神经元投射。Result Cingulate cortex received projections from frontal cortex, motor cortex of foreleg area, face area and somatic sensory area.

前扣带皮层不够活跃与痴呆、注意缺陷多动障碍、压抑以及精神分裂症有关联。An underactive anterior cingulate has been linked to dementia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression and schizophrenia.

当大脑半球出现半卵圆中心上部时,从扣带回顶部出现到中央旁小叶即将出现的1~2个断面,为顶枕沟消失的断面。The parieto-occipital sulcus disappears on the 1-2 sections from the cingulate gyrus will disappear to the paracentral lobule will appear.