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你,去教育共和党人!You indoctrinate republicans!

在当时,政府否认他们将向年青人强行灌输任何思想。Back then, the government denied that it was seeking to indoctrinate youngsters.

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灌输始终有一个可行的主计划及时到位的重要性。Indoctrinate the importance of always having a feasible Master Schedule in place.

法国知识分子讨论哈里是否灌输自由资本主义思想给孩子们。French intellectuals debate whether the stories indoctrinate kids into free-market capitalism.

建造它的目的是为了给青年人灌输奥古斯都的理念提供一个场所。This Palaestra served as a gymnasium and a place indoctrinate the young people in Augustan ideals.

为此,我们必须加强传统造型精神和中国文化精神的灌输。Therefore, we must strengthen the sense of traditional sculpturing and Chinese culture to indoctrinate.

我们企图改写你们自出生就填鸭式灌输给我们的规则。We seek to re-write the programming that you have tried to indoctrinate us with since the moment we were born.

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政府不应将教育制度视作控制信息和灌输思想意识的工具。Governments should not view the education system as a means to control information and to indoctrinate students.

我的牧师就实质意义的图书,进而灌输我们小群羊的内容。My pastor raved on the significance of the book and proceeded to indoctrinate our small flock with its contents.

很多岁数大的人,还在把过去的经验传输给现在的孩子和学生。These negative experiences still affect us so far. some elders indoctrinate their children and students with them.

老师除了灌输客观真理外,也常常试图将自己的思想灌输给学生。In the midst of objective facts, all too often a teacher may attempt to indoctrinate him with the teacher's own ideology.

宗教的有无是非常个人的事情,我觉得给涉世未深的年轻人灌输偏执、排他的信仰体系是很不道德的事情。Religion is a very personal matter and I feel it is wrong to indoctrinate kids with a bigoted, exclusive belief system at this impressionable age.

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电视广播和印刷刊物这些大众传媒频繁播放死亡和残缺尸体的画面灌输对生命漠不关心,麻木无情的思想给观众。Frequent exposures to dead and mutilated bodies telecast and printed by the mass media indoctrinate indifference and callous attitude in the viewers.

当你学会本章所要求的良好习惯并且调适好你的思想之后,你的心态便会随时处于积极状态。You will so thoroughly indoctrinate yourself with these habits and mind conditioners that your mental attitude will become and remain positive at all times.

科举制度还是古代学校灌输官方意识形态的制度保证,它甚至对普通民众也间接发挥了意识形态控制作用。In addition, the system could insure teachers to indoctrinate official ideology to students in every school. It even could help control the ideology of common people.

文艺复兴时真正的宗教教育和改良的神学院给各种宗教和学派的追随者们开放的思想。Renaissance of true religious teachings and overhauling of religious seminaries can indoctrinate open-mindedness in the followers of various religions and school of thoughts.

同时,“好奇是儿童的天性”,家长应注重充分利用孩子成长中对周围世界的巨大好奇心,在回答孩子的提问中巧妙地实施正确观念的家庭灌输教育。On the other hand, as curiosity is the nature of children, we should make good use of their curiosity and skillfully indoctrinate ideas by patiently answering their questions.

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文艺复兴时真正的宗教教育和改良的神学院给各种宗教和学派的追随者们开放的思想。Renaissance of true religious teachings and overhauling of religious seminaries can indoctrinate open- mindedness in the followers of various religions and school of thoughts.

他们教导这些新来的武装党卫队士兵基本的作战技能,同时给他们灌输他们“师团家庭”的特别价值观。They found themselves teaching these new Waffen-SS men basic soldiering skills while also having to indoctrinate them into the special philosophy of their " divisional family".

应该是明显的,使用国家的教育体制去给下一代灌输这个错误的信念体系,将最终有那个社会的创伤后果。It should be apparent that using a country's education system to indoctrinate generations with this false belief system will eventually have traumatic consequences for that society.