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喷嚏精一直在打着喷嚏。Sneezy sneezes all the time.

魏斯理整天打喷嚏和咳嗽。Wesley sneezes and coughs all day.

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有人对着你的玫瑰打了个喷嚏怎么办?What if someone sneezes on your roses?

当有人打喷嚏时,你会说“保佑你!”Do you say "Bless you!" when someone sneezes?

到傍晚打喷嚏,一边拨着劈啪的火。Sneezes at evening, poking the peevish gutter.

他咳嗽或者打嚏喷时,会有点泄尿。He hs smll lekge of urine when he coughs or sneezes.

他咳嗽或打喷嚏时,学会厦门禅悦瑜伽。会有点泄尿。He has a small leakage of urine when he coughs or sneezes.

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他对猫敏感,每有猫毛就打喷嚏。He is allergic to cats. He sneezes whenever there is cat fur.

清晨连续的打喷嚏则可能是粉尘过敏所致。Multiple, early-morning sneezes may mean you're allergic to dust mites.

在病毒复制之后,咳嗽和喷嚏会把病毒传给其他人。After multiplying, coughs and sneezes would spread the virus to other people.

随着她的歌声,小观众们合着节拍拍手、跺脚,甚至发出阵阵呼喊。Her audience claps, stomps, even sneezes along with her song, in perfect time.

由咳嗽和打喷嚏带到空气中的唾液滴将病毒从携带者身上带到其他人中。Tiny specks of saliva sent into the air by coughs and sneezes carry the virus from a carrier to other people.

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它是通过被感染者咳嗽或打喷嚏时所产生的分泌物来传播的。传播范围大约是1公尺。It is spread through droplet transmission when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This has a range of about 1-m.

人们对过敏的反应最为敏感,所以枯草热的患者会在花香四溢的夜晚狂打一连串喷嚏。Sensitivity to allergies is at its height now, so hayfever sufferers will have a fit of sneezes on high-pollen nights.

另一个存在的问题是,很多戴口罩的人真打喷嚏的时候还是会先把口罩摘掉,所以我认为口罩给人们的是一种错误的安全感。And the problem is that when someone sneezes they tend to take a mask off. I think masks give people a false sense of security.

窦中时间越长颜色就越重,所以如果早晨的喷嚏物呈绿色或锈色,也不必惊恐。Mucus gets darker the longer it sits in your sinuses, so don't be alarmed if your early? morning sneezes are green-or rust-colored.

由于鼻涕在鼻窦中时间越长颜色就越重,所以如果早晨的喷嚏物呈绿色或锈色,也不必惊恐。Mucus gets darker the longer it sits in your sinuses , so don't be alarmed if your early? morning sneezes are green-or rust-colored.

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当人们非常密集地生活在一起,被传染的病人咳嗽或打喷嚏的时候,麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹病毒就很容易传播开来。When people live close together, measles, mumps, and rubella viruses are more easily spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

当尝试横渡一条冰冻的河流时,如果这牲畜表现犹豫或者可能打喷嚏,牧人就会折返或者找一个新的横渡点。If the animal hesitates, or perhaps sneezes , while attempting to cross a frozen river, the herder will turn back or look for a new crossing point.

不要几天,妹妹小宁就会莫名其妙地流鼻涕、打喷嚏。起初,家人还以为这只是巧合,次数一多。Several days later, the younger sister snivels and sneezes absurdly. At first, the family still think this is just strange fits. With so much times.