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冯大阿阇梨是陈上师的唐密教授师。Patriarch Feng was Guru Chen's teacher in Tang Tantra.

乾元禅寺至今已有1400多年的历史。Third Patriarch Temple has a history of over 1400 years.

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先祖亚伯拉罕将自己所掳来上等之物取十分之一给他。Even Abraham the patriarch gave him a tenth of the spoils.

这是著名的西奥菲勒斯,牧首亚历山大。It was the well-known Theophilus , Patriarch of Alexandria.

动身之前,迈斯先来拜访本族的族长,请求指点。Befor left home, he visited the patriarch and asked some advice.

但是他要在和尚头上找头发。But Patriarch Bodhidharma was searching for a hair on a monk's head.

二祖一听这话,豁然开悟了!Upon hearing that, the Second Patriarch suddenly became enlightened.

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各布娶了他的两个表妹雷切儿和莉尔。The patriarch Jacob married two of his first cousins, Rachel and Leah.

所以达摩祖师就由印度坐船到中国来了。Thus it happened that Patriarch Bodhidharma sailed from India to China.

差不多一千年后,禅宗二十八传至菩提达摩。About one thousand years later, the twenty-eighth patriarch was Bodhidharma.

这是达摩祖师一生到中国的大概经过。This has been a general discussion of Patriarch Bodhidharma's life in China.

是封建礼教和宗法道德筑就了她们的悲剧命运。It was the feudal rules and patriarch moral that led to their tragical fates.

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达修亚历山大时期的希腊主教,是基督教正统教派反对阿里乌斯教义的主要保卫者。Greek patriarch of alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against arianism.

金宝的创办人陈鹏飞先生,也在表坛德高望重。Chen Peng flies to Jin Bao's patriarch gentleman, also be in the sainted that express altar.

据检方指控,起初这家人曾考虑下毒,试图用毒菌谋杀一家之主。At first, the family considered poisoning the patriarch with toadstools, prosecutors alleged.

在15世纪大师马蒂诺是厨师的主教阿奎在梵蒂冈。During the 15th century Maestro Martino was chef to the Patriarch of Aquileia at the Vatican.

三步一拜是“朝山拜佛”中的一种宗教活动。Three Steps One Bow is one of the Religious activities for "famous Patriarch worships Buddha".

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昔日的家族长制和世袭君主所实行的,就是这种“传统的”支配。This is 'traditional' domination exercised by the patriarch and the patrimonial prince of yore.

上周,他驾驶着他前苏联时代的伏尔加嘎斯21汽车送了俄罗斯主教一程。Last week he took to the wheel of his Soviet-era Volga Gaz-21 car, giving Russia's patriarch a lift.

而且在传统习俗上,只有家庭的一家之主才可以把这颗希望之星挂上,旁人是不可以越俎代庖的。And on the traditional custom, only family patriarch can hang up the hope star, others are not personal.