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常人的胰脏会分泌胰岛素Your pancreas normally makes insulin.

我那时甚至都不知道胰脏是什么。I didn't even know what a pancreas was.

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你觉得是她的胰脏有问题?。You think the problem'sin her pancreas?

胰尾多见1~4条小静脉,大都汇入脾静脉。The tail of the pancreas is drained by 1-4 v.

腺胰中高糖素免疫反应细胞多居于胰岛周边。The GIR-cells in pancreas are aroud the islets.

胰腺里的细胞产生胰岛素Those cells in your pancreas are making insulin.

举例来说,只有胰腺细胞生成胰岛素Only cells of your pancreas make insulin, for example.

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所以排除了胰腺问题等于证明了大脑问题?So disproving it's her pancreas proves it's her brain?

供体胰腺没有充分利用的问题依然存在。Pancreas underutilization appears to be an ongoing issue.

事实上,一段时间之后它对胰腺本身也会产生伤害。And actually it damages the pancreas itself, after a while.

胰腺胚胎学起源于前肠的2个芽。The embryologic pancreas arises from 2 buds in the foregut.

阿杨格说这个体式对肝脏,脾脏和胰腺有帮助。Iyengar says this pose helps the liver, spleen and pancreas.

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目的探讨武威市胰腺癌发病特征及其流行趋势。Objective To study the feature of pancreas cancer incidence.

他知道他父亲胰腺上的肿物是恶性肿瘤。He knew the mass in his father's pancreas was a malignant tumor.

用于移植的胰岛细胞取自脑死亡供体的胰腺。The islets were isolated from the pancreas of brain-dead donors.

第一个婴儿为完全的环形环状胰腺。In the first infant, there was a circumferential annular pancreas.

目的探讨胰腺浆液性囊腺瘤的CT表现。Objective To study the CT features of serous cystadenoma of pancreas.

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产生激素的胰腺现在正牌建设之中。The pancreas which produces hormones is currently under construction.

胰脏会分泌出大量胰岛素收拾过量的血糖。The pancreas releases a massiveamount of insulin to mop up the excess.

只有胰腺中的细胞,胰腺中的一些细胞分泌胰岛素Only cells in the pancreas, some cells in the pancreas are making insulin.