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你为什么会在道德上赦免他们?Why would you morally exonerate them?

他研究数据,并确信那将免除他的责任。He studies the data and is confident it will exonerate him.

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这样的精度,他说,也可以免除无辜的嫌疑人。Such precision, he said, can also exonerate innocent suspects.

据推测,清白的参赛者会知道这个录像带会证明他们没有作弊。Presumably, the innocent participants knew such a tape would exonerate them.

有一大群人现在就在死牢,你会去帮助他们让他们免罪吗?There's a bunch of people on death row. Are you going to help exonerate themselves?

但是,一位股东说它也有刻意为巴菲特的错误推脱的印象。However, one shareholder said it was also crafted to exonerate Buffett from wrongdoing.

它同时也暴露出,Wang声称能洗清他和琼斯造假嫌疑的文件并不存在。It also emerges that documents which Wang claimed would exonerate him and Jones did not exist.

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克雷格涉嫌苏珊的谋杀被当地警察和回避凯特帮助他开脱。Craig is suspected of Suzanne's murder by the local police and begs Kate to help exonerate him.

“说真的,”露梓说,“要是把那可怜的孩子的故事如实告诉他们,一定可以使他免罪。”"Surely, " said Rose, "the poor child's story, faithfully repeated to these men, will be sufficient to exonerate him.

繁荣-萧条循环的解释并不能赦免贪婪、短视和政策不力之罪,但有助于弄清这些罪过产生的因由。The boom-bust explanation does not exonerate greed, shortsightedness, or misguided government policies. But it does help explain them.

该报告给人一种巴菲特被索科尔欺骗的印象。但是,一位股东说它也有刻意为巴菲特的错误推脱的印象。The report paints a picture of Buffett as having been duped by Sokol. However, one shareholder said it was also crafted to exonerate Buffett from wrongdoing.

我想知道达德利和斯蒂芬斯,是否征得过派克的同意,取他的性命,是否那样就能赦免他们的谋杀罪名,是否这样,道德上就是正当的?I'm wondering if Dudley and Steven had asked for Richard Parker's consent in you know, dying, if that would exonerate them from an act of murder and if so, is that still morally justifiable?

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我想知道达德利和斯蒂芬斯,是否征得过派克的同意,取他的性命,是否那样就能赦免他们的谋杀罪名,是否这样,道德上就是正当的?。I'm wondering if Dudley and Steven had asked for Richard Parker's consent in you know, dying, if that would exonerate them from an act of murder and if so, is that still morally justifiable ?

主要讲述同为仙石化身的六耳猕猴受奸人陷害,化身巨猴危害人间,累及悟空蒙冤,终得昭雪的故事。Mainly described as fairy petrochemical and macaques in six ears bad frame, incarnate the giant monkey harm human, involving the winging the wu is empty, eventually have to exonerate the story.

弗兰克接着问为什么他要在国会选举之后才宣布我无罪,却在选举前提交的报告中包含了许多关于总统的负面内容。Frank then asked him why he waited until after the election to exonerate me on these charges, when he had submitted his report with a lot of negative stuff about the President before the election.

换言之,正如法官常说的,情有可原,未必不可法外容情,当然我不认为,一句情有可原,就能为盗窃,谋杀以及其他违法行为正名,但有时,情有可原的程度,确实可能法外容情,赦免你的罪行。In other words, as the judge said, what's always moral isn't necessarily against the law and while I don't think that necessity justifies theft or murder or any illegal act, at some point your degree of necessity does, in fact, exonerate you from any guilt.