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不准有无线设备。No wireless devices.

多模无线网络。Multimode Wireless Networks.

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这里又无线网。This has wireless Internet here.

你有无绳电话吗?Do you have a wireless telephone?

教室内设有无线网络。Classrooms have wireless networks.

这应该是一个无线的过程。This should be a wireless process.

更妙的是,新增无线PC同步Even Better, Add Wireless PC Syncing

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谷歌会是你下一个无线通信生产商吗?Is Google your next wireless company?

内核自带的无线支持。Native Wireless Suport on the kernel.

唯一一点是不能用无线设备。The only thing is no wireless devices.

pcmcia-cs,用来管理无线网卡。pcmcia-cs, to manage the wireless card

Sook是一款无线的厨房助手。The Sook is a wireless kitchen assistant.

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群众的回答是一阵叫人心抖的呼噪。The wireless calls were soon responded to.

无线自组网是一种分散型的网络结构。Wireless ad-hoc networks are decentralized.

在无线菂世界中硬閒相当昂贵。Hardware is expensive in the wireless world.

无线遥控技术,50米范围内均可作业。Wireless remote, operating within 50 meters.

这时你需要无线桥接器。A wireless bridge is just the thing you need.

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他的妻子通过无线电报得知了这个消息。His wife knew the news by wireless telegragp.

无线上网卡怎么缴费呀?。How to pay the bill of wireless network card?

或者你也可以使用蓝牙无线键盘。Or you can use a Bluetooth wireless keyboard.