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她的闺房干净而整洁。Her boudoir is clean and tidy.

她的闺房干净而整齐。Her boudoir is clean and tidy.

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但谁将是这个闺房的新主人呢?But who will be the master of my boudoir then?

我在闺房中叹息着春天的结束。In my boudoir I sigh over the close of spring.

再次和闺中密友去泡吧!Go with the cater-cousin in boudoir again bubble!

更多的汗水从路修英挺的脸上流下。More sweats fix gifted face boudoir from the road bottom.

寂寞挽歌催、谁让孤独亵读了深闺?。The lonely elegy urges, who let profane lonely read the boudoir?

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闺阁生活是女子一生中极为重要且最温馨、美好的阶段。The life in the boudoir is important and happy times for a maiden.

而他们的家,也像是深闺美人,难得一见。And their home, also resembling is boudoir beauty, see inaccessibly.

及其清女性闺阁画家在画史中之地位。And their position of cleaning up the female boudoir painter in painting history.

佳人闺房琉璃琴,窗外浪子候佳音。Beauty boudoir glass harp, the prodigal son look forward to hearing from you soon.

霍夫曼从夏勒米身上取得茱莉叶塔闺房的钥匙,但发现房间里空无一人。Hoffmann takes the key to Giulietta's boudoir from his dead rival but finds the room empty.

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出身于闺阁教养中的她,依循传统规范顺理成章地为人妇为人母。Born in the boudoir of her upbringing, to follow traditional norms be a wife and motherhood.

桃李明年能再发,明岁闺中知是谁?Next year peach and plum trees will be in bloom again, But who will be the master of my boudoir then?

这项研究导致了风流社会的女人的闺房感应与更清楚的撕裂的口音。The research resulted in a demimondaine's boudoir vibe with accents of more sober Rive Droite propriety.

她临别时,我告诉她说,采一束玫瑰装点你的闺房吧,芳香四溢。And for that reason I told her at her departure that she should pick a bunch of roses to grace her boudoir.

独依江楼,过尽千帆,斜晖脉脉,江水悠悠,闺房中的弱女子坚守着爱情的誓言。Only by Jiang Lou, have to do a thousand sails, setting sun, river, in boudoir woman adhere to the vows of love.

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它的褶边装饰与巨浪般的床帘,让他感觉到自己就像是设计师闺房的侵入者。With its pleats and ruffles and billowing curtains, it made him feel like a trespasser in a decorator's boudoir.

美好的闺房中的门帘卷不去月光,在捣衣石上拂去月光但它又来了。Beautiful boudoir curtain in volume do not moonlight, at the flick ramming stone clothing moonlight but it came again.

布雪与所有的闺房传授亲密,不管是在家里的场景、田园的风光或是神话的主题。Boucher imparted the intimacy of the boudoir to all of his subjects whether domestic scenes pastoral idylls or mythological themes.