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上帝保佑,监考老师是大李!God bless, my invigilator was Lee!

他是第二考场的监考员。He was the invigilator of No. 2 Testroom.

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请立即通知考场内的考官。Please inform an invigilator as soon as possible.

贾思柏在数学考试中舞弊。Jasper foxed the invigilator in the mathematics examination.

自觉性差的,就会想作弊,这样,应该要有监考人看着。Consciousness of the poor, they want to cheat, so that should have looked at invigilator.

这件事使学生们很失望。”这位不愿透露姓名的监考老师说。It was very upsetting for the pupils, " said the invigilator , who asked not to be named."

所有不准携带的物品,监考教师不负责看管。All the items are not allowed to carry, the invigilator is not responsible for the care of teachers.

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如果姓名、性别等部分信息错误请联系监考老师。If part of the information, such as name and gender, is false, please please contact the invigilator.

考生必须严格遵守考场纪律,保持肃静,听从监考人员指导。Candidates should obey the examination hall rules, keep quiet, and follow guidance of the invigilator.

监护仪是一种最常见的医疗设备,具有数量多、分布广等特点。An invigilator is a frequent medical device which has characters of much in quantity, wide in distribution.

监考人员对试卷内容不作任何解释,考生对试题文字有不清之处,应给予答复。The invigilator can not give any explanation to the content of the exam questions unless it is printed illegibly.

监考人立即发现了冒名代考者,因为他在两日前见过她女儿参加哲学考试。An invigilator spotted the imposter straight away, having seen the daughter sitting a philosophy exam two days before.

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考生必须服从监考人员管理,不得以任何形式干扰监考人员正常工作。The candidate must be subject to the invigilator 's supervision and can not disturb the invigilator 's work in any way.

监考人员令其上交后发现,“橡皮”内藏有显示考题及答案的电子显示屏。Invigilator turned over to his staff found that "rubber" inside shows that there are questions and answers to the electronic display.

老师的监考比我上次参加考试的时候严了很多,每个教室3个老师几乎所有的时间都在考场巡视。Invigilator teachers than last time I take the exam when a lot of martial law, each classroom teacher 3 nearly all Time in the examination room visits.

怀疑学生有学术欺骗行为的评阅老师或监考老师会呈上一份书面报告给项目主管,但是学生上交的作业仍然会被正常评阅。The marker or invigilator suspecting academic dishonesty will submit a written report to the programme leader. The assignment will be marked as normal.

监考人、总监考人对违纪行为的处理,应当接受司法行政机关的监督。The treatment as given by an invigilator or the chief invigilator for any disciplinary breach shall be subject to the supervision of the administrative judicial organ.

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读后请输入正确的学号,并点击“进入考试”。如果出现“没有这个学号”的提示窗口,请联系监考老师。Please input correct student number after reading and click "Enter the test". If a Hint Window saying "this student number does not exist" come out, please contact the invigilator.

总监考人应当至迟于考试前一天召集由全体监考人员和巡考人员参加的监考职责说明会。The chief invigilator shall, at least one day before the commencement of the examination, convene a meeting attended by all invigilators and patrol inspectors to explain their invigilation duties.

文章介绍了监护仪功能和种类,通过对ICU、CCU、手术室、急诊室等科室的分析,说明医院应如何合理优化配置与使用监护仪。The paper introduces functions and varieties of invigilators, showing us how to utilize the invigilator reasonably, through the analysis of departments of ICU, CCU, operation , emergency and so on.