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她的衣着很简朴。Her dress is severely plain.

土壤中的水分严重。Soil moisture severely dwindles.

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我的医生严格地令我做饮食控制。My doctor is dieting me severely.

他严厉斥责那个雇员。He told off the employee severely.

医生要我严格忌口。The doctor is dieting me severely.

逃学的学生受到了严厉的惩罚。The truants were severely punished.

那会严重伤害她的自尊心。It would be mortifying her severely.

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歪嘴属于严重缺陷。Wry mouth is to be severely faulted.

这种行为为人们所不耻。Such behavior is severely frowned upon.

粉红色的鼻镜属于严重缺陷。A pink nose is to be severely penalized.

神为何如此严历地惩罚世界呢?Why did God punish the earth so severely?

中间部分严重拉裂。The central section was severely shattered.

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电单车和汽车均严重损毁。Both the bike and car were severely damaged.

流行性感冒来得异常凶猛。The grippe hit unusually severely that year.

违者严惩不贷。Those who disobey will be severely punished.

他们的活动受到严格限制。Their activities were severely circumscribed.

投敌者应受到严厉的惩罚。Dangerous driving should be severely punished.

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他因为粗心受到严厉的惩罚。He was severely punished for his carelessness.

卡德加坐了下去,却发现椅子摇晃不定。Khadgar sat down and the chair rocked severely.

置警告不顾的人受到了严厉的痛揍。Men who disregard the warning are beat severely.