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你的账户透支了。Your account is overdrawn.

他被夸大描绘成了一名英雄。He was overdrawn as a hero.

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那客户的帐目是盈余还是透支?。Is the customer's account in credit or overdrawn.

存款不足很容易导致透支。Insufficient funds will easily cause to overdrawn.

那是我第一次透支我的账户。It's the first time I had ever overdrawn my account.

本月12日这一天您的帐户上透支了15美元。Your account was overdrawn 15 dollars on the 12th of this month.

这不象银行借债,以后可还。It’s not like an overdrawn bank account which can be made up later.

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对恶意透支型犯罪构成要件应予以完善。The constituent essentials of malice overdrawn crime should be perfected.

尽管这篇文章以事实为根据,但笔者还是觉得其结论似乎有些过于夸张了。While the article was fact-based, I think its conclusions were way overdrawn.

让一个行业通宵透支没有好处,市场需要健康地成长。industry go overdrawn overnight does no good. The market needs to grow in a healthy way.

科罗拉多河作为西岸七个洲的生命之泉,已经如同联邦财政部一样干旱透支了。The Colorado River, lifeblood of seven western states, is already as overdrawn as the federal treasury.

良好的记录会让你避免银行透支或超出你的信用额度。Good records will prevent you from getting overdrawn at the bank or charging more than your credit limit.

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感情可以转帐,婚姻可以随时冻结,激情可以透支,爱情善价而沽。Feelings can transfer, marriage can always freeze, passion can be overdrawn , and love of good price and sell.

孙勇认为,这3个月已经提前透支了大排量车的消费需求。Sun Yong believed that these 3 months ahead of time had already overdrawn the great displacement vehicle's consumer demand.

但因为不当规划抽用导致地下水位持续下降,使得屏东沿海地区发生海水入侵、地层下陷及土壤盐化等灾害。Because groundwater has long been overdrawn improperly in coastal area that caused serious land subsidence, seawater intrusion, and soil salinity.

债券的上涨又在一定程度上透支了未来的降息预期,收益率大幅降低后,有回调需求。The bond rise to a certain extent has overdrawn future reducing the interest rate anticipated, after the returns ratio reduces largely, has the call-back demand.

银行与储户的关系主要是债务人和债权人的关系。究竟谁是债务人谁是债权人,要看储户是有结余还是透支。Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor -- who is which depending on whether the customer's account is in credit or is overdrawn.

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几十年来,我们的次贷关系说明,作为一个物种,人类已从地球上索取的太多,我们的账户现在已经严重透支。For decades, our sub-prime relationship to reality has seen us, as a species, withdraw so much from the earth that our account with the planet is now heavily overdrawn.

银行与储户的关系主要是债务人和债权人的关系。究竟谁是债务人谁是债权人,要看储户的账户是有结余还是透支。Debtor and creditor overdraw Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor----who is which depending on whether the customer's account is in credit or is overdrawn.