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实验结果表明,该隐写算法具有更好的隐蔽性和鲁棒性。Experimental result indicates the proposed algorithm has better imperceptibility and robustness.

用于版权保护的数字水印设计的关键是水印信息嵌入的隐蔽性和抵抗攻击的鲁棒性。The key of digital watermark to copyright protection is the imperceptibility and robustness for embedded information.

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实验结果表明,该算法对提高信息隐藏的隐蔽性,确保隐藏信息的健壮性具有较好效果。The experiments show that the algorithm has great function to improve the imperceptibility and robustness of the concealed information.

仿真试验的结果表明,这些算法具有良好的鲁棒性和隐密性,能有效地抵御噪声污染,低通滤波等攻击。Experimental results demonstrate that these algorithms have good robustness and imperceptibility at the attach of noise stain and so on.

通过实验证明了,该方法可以有效改善视觉不可感知性,提高对LSB嵌入操作的不可检测性。The experimental results show the proposed method can improve the visual imperceptibility and promote the undetectability of the LSB embedding method.

实验结果表明,基于奇异值分解的本算法对常用的图像处理攻击具有良好的鲁棒性和不可见性。Experimental result show that the watermarking method based on SVD used to attack the image processing performs well in both imperceptibility and robustness.

实验证明,本文提出的算法不仅具有很好的抗仿射变换和抗JPEG压缩的鲁棒性,而且具有较小的嵌入失真和较大的水印容量。It has been proved by experiments that this algorithm is high imperceptibility , high capacity, and robust to affine transformation and JPEG lossy compression.

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分析表明,此方案与已有基于PE文件的信息隐藏方法相比,提高了信息隐蔽性和资源节空闲可利用率。This scheme enhanced the information imperceptibility and the resources section redundancies utilization rate, compared with other schemes of information hiding based on PE file.

实验表明,算法在MPEG-4水印视频经过滤波、旋转、尺度变化、代码转换编码等处理后,水印在可见性和鲁棒性等方面取得了良好的效果。From the experiment results, it indicates that, after the watermarked MPEG-4 video suffer filtering, rotation, scaling and transcoding, the watermark possesses good imperceptibility and robustness.

方法大鼠体内染尘后,用高倍显微镜、电子显微镜观察其在动物体内的变化,并统计对比纤维变化特征。Methods After the dusts being injected in vivo , the imperceptibility changes in rats were observed and the fiber features were compared with statistics in rat by advanced microscope, SEM analysis.