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我会做超好吃的意大利饭。I'll just make a nice risotto.

她在做阿马罗内意式烩饭对吧?。I mean, she's making risotto all'Amarone, right? Yeah?

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最后将焗好的牛膝放于意大利饭上,趁热上桌。Put the veal shank on the risotto and add the sauce. Serve hot.

下1汤匙橄榄油至镬中,加入意大利米略炒30秒。Add 1tbsp olive oil into the pan, add risotto and briefly fry for 30secs.

继续翻炒意饭2分钟,一直把芦笋和青豆炒熟。Cook risotto for a further 2 minutes until asparagus and peas are tender.

将意大利饭煮至软身,加入白酒和忌廉煮一至两分钟。Cook the risotto until soft, add white wine and cream cook 1 to 2 minutes.

意式烩饭配尼罗达沃拉红酒,猪肉肠,茄子及山羊芝士。Risotto with Nero d'Avola wine, pork sausages, eggplant and Pecorino cheese.

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意式烩饭配巴贝拉来达斯蒂红酒,猪肉肠,茄子及羊奶芝士。Risotto with Barbera d'Asti wine, pork sausages, eggplant and Pecorino cheese.

是佐餐甲壳类动物,鱼类,意大利烩饭和轻度酱汁通心粉的佳酿。Enjoy with crustaceans , white fleshed-fish, risotto and pasta with mild sauces.

菜单上还有4种汤价格在50块人民币左右,还有3种100元以下的意大利调味饭。Also available on the menu are 4 soups at around 50 RMB and 3 risotto under 100 RMB.

装盆时在米饭旁放上鱿鱼,并淋上剩余的柠檬香料汁。Serve risotto topped with calamari and drizzled with any remaining lemon vinaigrette.

主餐罗西尼式小牛菲力配野菇义式炖饭及芦笋,鸭肝佐松露酱汁,海盐。Veal Rossini on Wild Mushroom Risotto Asparagus, Duck Liver, Sea Salt and Truffle Jus.

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学习烹饪技巧与所有有关的专家在这个自由的意大利烩饭烹饪视频食谱。Learn all about risotto recipes with expert cooking tips in this free Italian cooking video.

在为期一周的课程中,你将学会如何做开胃小菜、意大利调味饭与肉酱面。During the week-long 4course, you'll learn how to make antipasti, risotto and Ragu Bolognese.

接着就可以将它放到美味的沙拉中或如果你喜欢热的食物,可以加到意大利炖菜中。You can then put it in a yummy salad or add it to a risotto if you fancy something a little hot!

了解如何在这个自由装饰意大利烹饪视频与专家食谱烹饪技巧烩饭。Learn how to garnish risotto recipes with expert cooking tips in this free Italian cooking video.

海鲜意饭包括贻贝、明虾、蛤蜊,跟西班牙的国菜-西班牙海鲜饭颇有几分相似。Seafood risotto might contain mussels, prawns and clams, much like Spain's national dish, paella.

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意大利豆子及意大利调味饭,烧烤,牛肉三明治。中等浓度的奶酪等。Risotto with borlotti beans and meat, BBQ, slice of beef on grilled bread. Medium to strong cheese.

是一款易于搭配的时尚美酒。搭配烤肉、禽类、香肠、意面和意式烩饭,十分美味。A modern and highly adaptable wine. Perfect with grilled meat, poultry, sausages, pasta and risotto.

了解如何在此免费意大利烹饪的视频与专家托斯卡纳烩饭食谱烹饪技巧。Learn how to make a Tuscan risotto recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Italian cooking video.