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你只漏掉了鸢尾草和玫瑰。You only missed the freesia and the roses.

香雪兰染色体组型的研究。Karyotypic study of Freesia refracta Klatt.

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我最喜欢的香素兰是紫色及黄色的。My favorite freesia is the purple and yellow ones.

诱人的苹果花,小苍兰花瓣和温暖的香草豆。Tempting apple blossom, freesia petals and warm vanilla bean.

混合了水仙、棕榈木、小苍兰及铃兰。A mixture of daffodils, palm wood, freesia and lily of the valley.

玫瑰和橙花还有鸢尾草的香气弥漫,将我笼罩在其中。The scent of roses and orange blossom and freesia enveloped me in a soft mist.

花的心含有像奶油般柔滑的素馨,石竹科的芍药,…The floral Heart contains creamy jasmine, pink peony, freesia lace, Moroccan rose and orange flower.

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小苍兰作为世界十大切花之一,具有很高的观赏价值和经济效益。Freesia refracta, one of most famous cutting flowers of the world, has high ornamental and economic values.

微妙的鲜花和招标有所软化这感觉派旋风离开野玫瑰和小苍兰,中调的蓬勃发展。The middle notes of delicate and tender flowers somewhat soften this sensualist whirlwind leaving Wild Rose and Freesia to flourish.

开始与小苍兰和仙人掌汁液清爽的组合,而白胡椒的加入使其更如戏剧中额外搭配的旋律。The composition starts with the refreshing notes of freesia and cactus sap, while the note of white pepper ads some drama to this melody.

白色郁金香插在厨房砧板上的水罐里,小仓兰和黄水仙摆在餐厅的木桌上,向日葵放在窗台上,一样都不缺。White tulips in a pitcher on the kitchen butcher block, freesia and daffodils on the plank dining-room table, sunflowers on the sill—they're all there.

由于花香宜人,花期较长,花色艳丽而在园艺花卉中占有重要的地位,在鲜切花市场中呈供不应求的趋势。Fragrance, long vase-life and wide color range make freesia a versatile floriculture crop. In cut flower market, the supply of freesia is unable to meet the demand.

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以小苍兰优良品种“上农金黄后”的小籽球为外植体,研究了植物生长调节剂对其球茎离体培养及植株再生的影响。Using bulblets of Freesia refracta Shangnongjinghuanghou as explants, the influence of plant hormone to its in vitro culture and plant regeneration was studied in this paper.

一种前卫、现代及非常女性的香水。混合了水仙、棕榈木、小苍兰及铃兰。蕴含玫瑰、栀子花、黑醋栗、麝香及栎苔香味。An avantgarde, modern and very female perfume. A mixture of daffodils, palm wood, freesia and lily of the valley. Contains rose, gardenia, blackcurrant, musk and oak moss fragrance.