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柔和的棕黄色带浅粉亮片。Soft tan with light pink sparkle.

夜晚的天空上星星闪闪发光。The stars sparkle in the dark sky.

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钻石是最闪耀的。The diamond makes the most sparkle.

黑色带蓝色和绿松石色闪片。Black with blue & turquoise sparkle.

露珠在早晨的阳光下闪着光。Dewdrops sparkle in the morning sun.

真钻项链在她脖子上闪闪发光。Real diamonds sparkle at her throat.

深芥末黄色带铜色亮片。Deep mustard yellow with copper sparkle.

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不再闪闪发光有一些刮痕。Sparkle had gone and had a couple of dents.

它们闪闪发光,像微小的水晶片。They sparkle in the light like tiny crystal chips.

乳白色手火花染色织物添加到您的设计。Opalescent hand dyed fabrics add sparkle to your design.

丰富闪亮的青铜褐带闪绿亮片。Rich shimmering bronze brown with flashes of green sparkle.

这些小玻璃杯将为您的聚会锦上添花。These miniature glasses will bring a sparkle to your party.

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都是闪着光、包装着华丽,内心。是冰霜,抑或阳光。All sparkle with gorgeous packaging, heart. Is frost or sun.

我感觉到了星火。它的每一次闪耀都引燃我心中的情殇。I feel the stars. Each sparkle sets aflame the pain in my heart.

丝绒般的深黑色带金色的小亮片。非常适合作为眼线!Deep, velvety black filled with gold sparkle. Great as an eyeliner!

一串一串明珠大小闪着光亮,迸出天真!Strings of pearls, small ones, Big ones, all sparkle with innocence!

旌宇月光约克夏梗设在广西省南宁市。SPARKLE Moonlight Yorkshire stems in Nanning City in Guangxi Province.

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我们发现在我们提到“固化”这个词的时候你们的眼睛在闪光。We noticed your eyes beginning to sparkle at the word "petrification".

单萍萍的目光里面闪烁着一丝厌恶之情。The vision of list Ping Ping in sparkle one silk abhorrence of feeling.

翻译当你在看电焊的火花时候一定要戴上护眼罩。You must put on an eye-shield when you are looking at the welded sparkle.