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日本和意大利。Japan and Italy.

意大利是我的家。Italy is my home.

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可能除了意大利。except maybe Italy.

我们这样做是为了意大利。We did it for Italy.

意大利是他的故乡。Italy was his hometown.

你搬到意大利了?Have you moved to Italy?

那是来自意大利的火腿!That's prosciutto from Italy.

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他们到意大利游览去了。They have gone over to Italy.

他是位于洛,意大利。He is located in Lodi , Italy.

意大利那边可有回复?Are there any reply from Italy?

但意大利尚未破产。But Italy is not yet insolvent.

他一直希望能去意大利。He always wants to go to Italy.

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意大利几无被爆冷的可能。Italy will offer few surprises.

他画了壹张意大利的略图。He drew an outline map of Italy.

彼得曾在意大利小住过。Peter lived in Italy for a time.

位于意大利蒂沃莉的哈德良别墅。Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli, Italy.

其南部与意大利接壤。It neighbours Italy in the south.

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托斯卡纳?你搬到意大利了?Tuscany? Have you moved to Italy?

让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。Make Napl es the capital of Italy.

哥伦布1451年生于加拿大。Columbus was born in Italy in 1451.