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她应该是一个水性杨花的女人。She should be a skittish woman.

他一直都介意这个女人的水性杨花。He has been uneasy with this woman's skittish.

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这只易受惊的鹿被登山客给吓著了。The skittish deer was frightened by the hikers.

但是随着伊朗实力的不断上升,以色列变得越来越敏感。But, with an ascendant Iran, Israelis are skittish.

所以这段经历让她性格有点安静。and she's a little skittish just because of her history.

他告诉我那是一种骆羊,很胆小,在路上要提防它们。"A kind of alpaca, " he replied. "Very skittish . Watch out for them.

再有就是过河拆桥的供货商,其中一个供货商居然封锁了他公司的大门。Then there were skittish suppliers, one of whom blockaded his firm's entrance.

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在这一领域有没有什么新的进展,还是说我们依然要依赖受惊的马匹?Are there any new advances in this area or do we still rely on skittish horses?

能源类股让投资人感到不安。欧洲股市再次整体下滑。European stocks are generally down again as energy shares made investors skittish.

这位水性杨花的女人是知道的,是清楚地知道他爱着另外一个她的。The skittish woman who is aware of, is clearly knew that he loved another one to her.

法官们对于有前科的人重罪轻判大都有点顾虑。The judges will be a little skittish about giving light sentences to a man with a record.

这些公司在衰退之时从疑虑重重的投资人手中得到回报,打败了相对不可靠的对手。These companies are reaping rewards from investors who are skittish about shakier rivals.

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他们也不能设计太多的机会,这可能会关闭一些娇媚的消费者。They also can't take too many design chances, which might turn off some skittish consumers.

自从美国政府牵红线让贝尔斯登下嫁摩根大通之后,华尔街对金融股的态度变得摇摆不定。Wall Street remains skittish about financial stocks since a run on Bear Stearns caused the U.

当市场不景气时,投资者变得激动进而趋于保守,”沃尔特斯说。When markets go down, investors get skittish and want to be more conservative," said Walters.

飞行员仍说,这种飞机飞起来“很轻便”,而且所有类型的无人机都更容易坠毁。Pilots still say it is " skittish" to fly, and UAVs of all kinds are much more prone to crashing.

食品、原材料和其他商品的价格都在上涨,这使得人们忧心忡忡。Prices for food, raw materials and other commodities are rising, and that's making people skittish.

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实际上,不结盟通常意味着把自己隔绝于更广阔的世界,并对附近的地区过分敏感。In practice this has often meant disengagement from the wider world and skittish caution closer to home.

其他方面,月度零售额报告显示,由于招聘机会稀少,消费者在支出方面依然俭省。In other news, monthly retail sales reports showed shoppers remain skittish about spending as hiring remains scarce.

在这种动荡的经济形势下,找工作很困难--而要找与毕业生学历想匹配的工作更难。In this skittish economy, it's tough to find work -- and tougher to find work that matches the grads' new credentials.