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比尔盖兹是个亿万富翁。Bill Gates is a billionaire.

我压根儿就成不了亿万富翁。I’ll never be a billionaire.

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现在有谁想做亿万富翁?Who wants to be a billionaire?

因此,谁能成为亿万富翁?So, who can become a billionaire?

我是个亿万富翁,你能是吗I'm a billionaire and you can be too?

我发现我自己以一位81岁的亿万富翁。I found myself, at 81, an instant billionaire.

如果我是亿万富翁,我就给你买别墅。If Iwere a billionaire Iwould buy you a villa.

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亿万富翁的公寓一般都建成这样。Billionaire mansions are often built like this.

同时,Dangote还是尼日利亚有史以来第一位亿万富翁。Dangote is also the first-ever Nigerian billionaire.

那位亿万富翁拒绝为难民们捐款。The billionaire refuse to contribute to the refugees.

这个白手起家的亿万富翁也面临着问题。And therein lies the problem for this self-made billionaire.

猜猜谁是世界上最勤奋的亿万富翁?Who do you think is the world's hardest-working billionaire?

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阿森纳也不需要有一个亿万富翁才能具有非凡的欣赏性。Arsenal do not need a billionaire to be the great entertainers.

有时候,做一个有趣的亿万富翁就足够了。Sometimes just being an interesting billionaire has to suffice.

两位友人参加了一个在亿万富翁的豪宅里举行的聚会。Two friends were at a party held at the mansion of a billionaire.

我不相信亿万富翁与我有不可企及的距离。I do not believe that billionaire and I have unattainable distance.

我一人只收一角钱的学费,我就可以成为亿万富豪。If I charge one dime of tuition per person, I can be a billionaire.

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当地媒体无情的嘲笑了这位亿万富翁,政府官员也拒绝了他的无理要求。The billionaire was scorned by the media and rebuffed by politicians.

在此过程中,黄光裕成为中国靠自己力量成功的最年轻的亿万富翁。In the process Mr Huang became China's youngest self-made billionaire.

但每个人不可避免都会变老的,即使是亿万富翁度假村巨头。But aging is inevitable for everyone, even billionaire resort magnates.