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这座建筑装饰得很艺术。The decoration of this building is very artistical.

病例设计必须有科学性、针对性、艺术性。It needs to be scientific, directional and artistical.

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第一部分探讨尼采前期艺术价值观。The first part studies the ex-period of Nietzsche's view of artistical value.

第三部分论述尼采后期艺术价值观。The third part discusses the later period of Nietzsche's view of artistical value.

第二部分考察尼采中期艺术价值观。The second part investigates the inside period of Nietzsche's view of artistical value.

它既是艺术品,又是生活中的实用装饰品。So it is both a kind of artistical work and a practical everyday life decoration accessories.

本文拟从四个部分阐述尼采艺术价值观之变迁。This text intends to research Nietzsche's view of artistical value from following four parts.

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体育教学是培养全面发展人才的艺术再创造。Physical teaching is an artistical recreation for training talents with all-round developments.

他在其大部分作品中较为明确地以艺术的形式表达了自己的存在主义观念。In most of his literary works he expressed his existentialist ideas clearly in an artistical method.

其如梅品般的人品及杰出的艺术才华,赢得了同时人的广泛赞誉。His personal character was like the nature of plum flower, and his excellent artistical talents gained wide pra.

广告中的技术美与艺术美既有同一又有差异。Both identity and difference are existed between the technological beauty and artistical beauty of advertisement.

使用该软件你可以在五分钟之内在没有任何技术或者艺术知识的情况下创建外观美好的用户栏。With it you can create nice-looking userbar within five minutes and without any technical or artistical knowledge.

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西安5千年悠久历史和特殊地位,留下了大量优秀的园林艺术遗产。Xi'an, with 5 millennium history and special status, has a large number of outstanding artistical gardens heritage.

华府艺术空间优雅的环境,开放的氛围,让广大艺术爱好者徜徉在艺术的伊甸园。The elegant environment and artistical atmosphere, makes each visitor feel like they are wandering in the art of Eden.

尼采艺术价值观无疑是尼采影响文艺领域的重要思想之一。Undoubtedly, Nietzsche's view of artistical value is one of Nietzsche's important thoughts, which affect literature realm.

当今画坛呈现给我们的是一个绘画思想纷繁复杂、艺术标准多元互挠的局面。Today's painting group presented us a complexion with complicated thought of painting and kinds of unclear artistical level.

尼采艺术价值观无疑是尼采影响文艺领域的重要思想之一。Undoubtedly, Nietzschesche s view of artistical value is one of Nietzsches important thoughts, which affect literature realm.

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广告美的实现有赖于广告中技术美与艺术美的融合。The realization to beauty of advertisement relies on the harmony between the technological beauty and artistical beauty of advertisement.

宗白华的人生观是艺术化的人生观,这种人生观集中表现为宗白华对人生,生活的审美和美化的态度。Zongbaihua ' s outlook on life is artistical , and it epitomizes the Zongbaihua appreciation of the beauty of life, and the attitude in beautifying.

在意境中,人与大自然的关系是一种平等和谐与契合交融的关系,显示出主客交融、物我两忘、天人合一的和谐、圆融。In the artistical state, the relationship between human and nature is an equal, harmonious and mingled relationship, which shows the beauty of their relationships.