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人命不能用金钱衡量。I think it can't be used monetarily.

和相通的心灵探讨那些无法用物质来衡量的事物。Talk with similar minds on things cannot be measured monetarily.

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因此对于线人可以用钱和物质的刺激。So they were all monetarily and materially incented, the informants.

我一直都在不断进步,在金钱方面与精神方面我都得到丰厚的回报。I keep growing all the time. I find great rewards both monetarily and mentally.

当一个父亲无力养育自己的子女时,他们的关系往往会变得疏远。When a father can't provide monetarily for his offspring, he often becomes estranged.

尽管有人打架、员工也在抗议,沃尔玛在今年的黑色星期五还是获得了巨大盈利。Even though there were fights and worker protests, Walmart had a successful day monetarily.

当然,有时我会希望父亲能赚更多钱,让我们家在经济上可以较宽裕。Sure, sometimes I wished that my dad made more money so we could have had more freedom monetarily.

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实行货币化分配住房,是解决城市住房问题的根本途径。Distributing to housing monetarily should be the ultimate way to solve the problems of civic housing.

私人收藏品保险是一个好主意,如果集合是双方的宝贵金钱和情感。Private collectible insurance is a good idea if a collection is valuable both monetarily and emotionally.

这些小朋友与家庭在经济方面虽然是贫困的,然而,他们的心灵却是富裕的。Though these children and families were poor monetarily they were, however, very wealthy in their spirits.

在生产力高的组织里,个体员工往往是作为一个团队成员贡献自己力量的。Gainsharing is an incentive award system for organizations that have operations that are monetarily quantifiable.

中国和俄罗斯是在一个非常贫困的立场金钱,至少有一样糟糕欧洲和美国,甚至可能更糟。China and Russia are in a very poor position monetarily , at least as bad as Europe and the US, perhaps even worse.

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在交流沟通自己所需的时候有很清晰的分析能力,并对自己的薪金感到满意。You have the analytical ability to communicate your needs clearly, and you'll find that you are satisfied monetarily in your business dealings.

生活方式无论在经济上还是精力上都代价高昂,因为你要付出很多去保持光鲜的外表,去做你认为在社会上很体面的事。Lifestyle is expensive monetarily and personally, because it costs a great deal to keep up appearances and do what you think is socially acceptable.

摩羯座的小心翼翼和事业至上让你感到很无趣,这是很糟糕的,因为他们就是那个能在金钱上尽情满足你的星座。You'll get bored with the Goat's careful and enterprising ways, which is too bad because the Goat is the one sign that can usually afford to spoil you monetarily.

现在的金融系统会在公开宣布期间被较稳定的保持住,是我们的团队让这个世界的金融体系免于崩溃。The economic money system will be kept reasonably stable during the announcement period and it is the work of my team that has kept the destruction of this world monetarily at bay.

虽然我是零伴娘前景智能获取金钱菲格从成功导演保罗的淫秽,不过我会屏住呼吸观看周末号码。While I have zero prospect of gaining monetarily from the success of director Paul Feig's raunchy, smart Bridesmaids, I will nonetheless watch the weekend numbers with bated breath.

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虽然我是零伴娘前景智能获取金钱菲格从成功导演保罗的淫秽,不过我会屏住呼吸观看周末号码。While I have zero prospect of gaining monetarily from the success of director Paul Feig's raunchy , smart Bridesmaids, I will nonetheless watch the weekend numbers with bated breath.

如果你养成了提取多余的现金作为自己补偿的习惯,你就可能不能够处理任何不期而至的可能会危及你的企业的环境改变。确保你的企业有闲钱以备不测。If you get in the habit of always taking out the extra cash as compensation, you may not be able to monetarily handle any unforeseen circumstances that could be detrimental5 to your business.

在此基础上,本文认为,2005年经济金融政策的突出变化是财政政策由积极转为稳健,主基调是实行财政、货币“双稳健”政策。Therefore, it is believed that a major change in economic and financial policy in 2005 will be a fiscal policy change from "proactive" to "prudent", the keynote being prudent fiscally and monetarily.