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公司赐予他年金。The firm granted him a pension.

他靠退休金生活。He lives on the retirement pension.

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从那时起他一直领退休金。Since then he has been drawing a pension.

于是,我决定同她分享这笔退休金。So I am going to share the pension with her.

他把退休金一次领清,拿了一大笔钱。He commuted his pension into〔for〕 a lump sum.

下个月将提高我们的养老金标准。Our old-age pension will be uprated next month.

到2028年,国家规定领取养老金的年龄将提高到67岁。The state pension age is to rise to 67 by 2028.

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你的服务年限使你有资格领取养老金。Your years of service entitle you to a pension.

他领有一笔政府发的伤残抚恤金。He has a disability pension from the government.

养老保险制度改革一直是业界争论的热点。The reform of the pension system is a hot topic.

这年金不够应付生活费用。The pension is not sufficient for living expenses.

他拥有一笔政府发的伤残抚恤金。He has a discompetency pension from the government.

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官员养老金空账拿什么来填?Pension officials to fill empty account what means?

退休金改革可能使希腊人更加愤怒。Pension reform is likely to make Greeks crosser still.

但是,通用汽车在国外的厂,到目前还没有养老费用的支出。The foreigners also do not have any pension costs--yet.

恤金拿走了,他还有什么收入呢?If you take away his pension. what remains of his income?

养老基金会很长时间没能联系到加藤先生。The pension fund had long been unable to contact Mr Kato.

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“追寻你的热情吧,别光想着养老金。”——丹尼斯·怀特尼。"Chase your passion, not your pension. " – Denis Waitley.

而更多的退休基金供款会因为这两个原因,而越来越少地流入。And bigger pension contributions will leave less for both.

毕竟茶党及其支持者都有各自的退休金计划。After all, they and their supporters also have pension plans.