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到了法国南部的阿维尼翁。To Avignon in the south of France.

一位住在罗马,另一位住在阿维尼翁。One lived in Rome, the other in Avignon.

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教皇以阿维尼翁为居所直到1377年回到罗马。The papacy was based at Avignon until 1377, when it returned to Rome.

是从阿维尼翁寄来的吧?但愿信里别说你妹妹病势加重了。Was it from Avignon? I hope it is not to say that your sister is worse.

阿维尼翁城,矗立在法国东南部罗纳河的东岸。On the eastern bank of the Rhône River in southeastern France lies the city of Avignon.

市内有宫殿、教堂等,还有建于十二世纪的阿维尼翁桥。The city has palaces, churches, as well as built in the twelfth century the Avignon Bridge.

事实上,阿维尼翁14世纪是罗马教皇的避难地。In the 14th century, Avignon was in fact the refuge of the Popes fleeing the dangers of Rome.

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安理会的维埃纳省举行了在这城市在法国的命令,克莱门特五,首先亚维侬教皇。The Council of Vienne was held in that town in France by order of Clement V, the first of the Avignon popes.

早在一百多年前,他们就以自己的阿维尼翁教皇与罗马教皇分庭抗礼。For a hundred years or more they had their own Pope in Avignon rivalling and fighting the other Pope in Rome.

教皇在阿维尼翁可以俯视城墙全景,但是他们还是在教皇宫殿周围修筑了更坚固的屏障。Popes residing in Avignon oversaw the walls’ construction, but they built even stronger barriers around the Papal Palace.

酒店是一家三星级酒店,靠近A7高速公路,10分钟到阿维尼翁中心,到TGV火车站也不远。The Novotel Avignon Nord is a 3 star hotel located close to the A7 motorway, 10 minutes from the centre of Avignon, and not far from the TGV train station.

阿维尼翁市法国国家农业研究院的昆虫学家赛德里克·阿劳想搞清蜜蜂的饮食是否正在影响它们自身的免疫系统。Entomologist Cédric Alaux of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research in Avignon wondered if the diets of bees might be altering their immune systems.

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据路透社报道,来自法国南部阿维尼翁圣母修道院的修女们成功击败70个宗教团体,与迪卡唱片公司签下合约。The nuns from the Abbaye de Notre-Dame del'Annonciation, near Avignon in southern France, beat 70 other religious orders to a deal with Decca Records, Reuters reports.