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日本首领尊重来访的中国领导人。Japan's Shogun to the visiting Emperor of China.

1477年的应仁之乱撼动了古老的幕府统治。In 1477, the Onin War let the fall of the old shogun.

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现在是征服一切成就一番霸业的时候了。Now is your time to overcome all opposition to become shogun.

还有什么变化能够让我们看到幕府将军2的其他主要变化?What other areas of the game might see major changes with Shogun 2?

自以为是,腐败,是一个对权力渴求不已的政治操纵者,俨然“幕府首领”。Self-righteous, corrupt, a power-hungry political operator, “shadow shogun.”

坎大哈的幕后黑手是艾哈迈德•瓦利•卡尔扎伊,他与总统哈米德•卡尔扎伊同父异母。Kandahar’s shadow shogun is Ahmed Wali Karzai, half-brother to President Hamid Karzai.

实际上,是幕府将军统治着日本,尽管他被认为是为天皇办事。In fact, the shogun actually ruled Japan, although he was supposedly acting for the emperor.

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他们成为幕府妇女能够捍卫自己和他人免受强盗乱兵。They became Shogun women capable of defending themselves and others from the bandit marauders.

其家族祖先可以追溯到源氏的创始人源赖朝-镰仓幕府第一代将军时期。The clan can trace its ancestry back to Minamoto Yoritomo, the founder and first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate.

在这部讲述武士传说的影片中,千叶真一饰演刚过世的幕府将军之子。This legendary samurai epic stars Sonny Chiba as one of the two sons of the recently deceased instructor of the Shogun.

为了确保幕府2中的地形准确地代表封建时代的日本,使用了什么研究成果呢?What research was carried out to ensure the terrain in Shogun 2 is accurately representative of the terrain in feudal Japan?

镰仓幕府统治日本超过1个世纪,首任统治者是源氏的将军,之后是北条氏家。The Kamakura government continued to rule Japan for over a century, first under the Minamoto shogun and then under the Hojo regents.

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在12世纪末,当幕府将军源赖朝赋予藤原朝宗伊达地区的控制权时,他建了伊达家。The clan was founded by Isa Tomomune when he was given control of the Date district by the shogun Minamoto Yoritomo at the end of the 12th Century.

几乎是马上,他面临着他从小泽一郎,“影子将军”在日本的反对政治,实际上是民主党的创始人领导的挑战。Almost immediately, he faced a challenge to his leadership from Ichiro Ozawa, the "shadow shogun" of opposition politics in Japan, and in effect the founder of the DPJ.

根据简单和常识存在元首幕府修女,这些女孩被教训的启示Budha并掌握了技术武术。Under the austere and knowledgeable presence of the Head Shogun Nun, these girls were taught the Revelations of the Budha and mastered the techniques of the martial arts.

我们一直想让全战的题材回归幕府时代,并且我们认为我们现有的技术也足以实现我们原本在十年前就有的设想。We have wanted to return to the Shogun era for a long time, and feel that our technology is finally in a place where we can make the game we originally imagined a decade ago.

相传在13世纪,一个刺客躲在这棵树的后面,准备割下他的叔叔——源氏家族最后一个幕府将军的头。The story goes that in the 13th century, an assassin hid behind it before severing the head of his uncle, the last shogun of the Minamoto line. Centuries of bloodshed followed.

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日本京都的二条城堡建于公元1603年,曾用真金真银来点缀,是当年德川家族的权威象征。Nijo Jo was a residential castle for shoguns during visits to Kyoto. Real gold and silver were used for decoratios to it's structure. It was completed in 1603 by Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu.

虽然德川是一个古老的家族,声称创自源赖朝-镰仓幕府的第一代将军的后裔,他们都铭记在心,因为这些光辉的历史来自最艰难的时期。Although the Tokugawa are an ancient family, claiming descent from Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate, they have known hard times since those glorious days.