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用于内衣的棉布制成的纤维。A knitted, unbleached cotton fabric for underwear.

妈妈让她买两尺本白布回家。Her mother asks her to buy two chi of unbleached cloth.

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未漂白袋用牛皮纸,未涂布,卷筒或平版。Unbleached sack kraft paper, uncoated, in rolls or sheets.

下面是对于毛博士关于未漂白的纸用途的评论。Next on Dr. Mao's list is the use of unbleached paper products.

通过观测发现,漂白浆样和未漂浆样显示了各自的某些特点。Some specific features of the bleached and unbleached samples are revealed.

针叶树亚硫酸盐化学木浆,溶解级除外,未漂白。Coniferous chemical wood pulp, sulphite other than dissolving grades, unbleached.

非针叶树亚硫酸盐化学木浆,溶解级除外,未漂白。Non-coniferous chemical wood pulp, sulphite, other than dissolving grades, unbleached.

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私生女的污点,要是没有金钱地位来粉饰,那还真是一大污点呢。The stain of illegitimacy, unbleached by nobility or wealth, would have been a stain indeed.

下面是对于毛博士关于未漂白的纸用途的评论。Next on Dr. Mao’s list is the use of unbleached paper products. His rationale behind this tip

尽管这样,抛开审美的观点,用没有经过漂白的纸也不失为一种好方法。However, the idea of using unbleached paper products –visual aesthetics aside –is a very good one.

探讨了未漂浆洗净度对漂白氯耗的影响。The effects of the unbleached pulp washing cleanliness on the consumption of chlorine are studied.

对于所有纸质产品,可使用未漂白过的纤维和用后纤维,这一行动需要加以实施。Programs to utilize unbleached fiber and post-consumer fiber in all paper products shall be implemented.

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结果表明,经不同处理的针叶木未漂硫酸盐浆其湿抗张强度和湿耐破度均有不同程度的提高。The impact of laccase treatment on the strength of an unbleached kraft pulp was investigated in the paper.

方法用基源鉴定与原色标本不同制作法进行比较。Method Comparing the base resource identification with the different making methods of the unbleached specimen.

在48天的时间里,三个原色纸张样品在三个模拟不同环境条件的反应堆中迅速老化。For 48 days, three unbleached paper samples aged rapidly in reactors that simulated different environmental conditions.

本文研究了打浆过程中麦草浆的脆性变化及其原因。The change in brittleness of unbleached wheat straw pulp avd the reasons during beating in a PFI mill are investigated in this work.

硫酸盐木浆氧漂处理中,加入适量的稀土络合物助剂,能起到保护碳水化合物的作用。Appropriate rare earth complex was introduced to protect carbohydrates from degradation in oxygen bleaching of unbleached kraft pulp.

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地面和顶层采用了原色的木地板,洗脸池的台板中也暗含了石头元素。The ground and top layer used unbleached wooden floor board, stone element also was implied in the bedplate of the pool that wash a face.

与硫酸盐制浆相比,中性亚铵法制浆工艺具有得率高和浆料颜色浅等特点。Compared with sulphate pulping process, neutral ammonium sulphite process had the advantages of higher yield and whiteness of unbleached pulp.

用高剪切纤维离解机对未漂白硫酸盐浆进行处理,并测定了纸浆的性能和浆张物理性能。The unbleached kraft pulp was dealt with a high-shear fiber kneader, moreover, the pulp properties and paper strength properties were measured.