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色彩,是一切视觉元素中最活跃、最具冲击力的因素。Color is the most active and impactive factor in all optic elements.

不可将电池置于强机械冲击的场所,也不可用硬物击穿电池。Do not put battery at machine impactive places , and poke battery with hard things.

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研究以机电设备BIT系统为背景,从传感层对虚警率的影响因素着手,进行系统分析。A systematic analysis was made on the impactive factors on the FAR of BIT systems at the sensor level.

医疗卫生体制改革对医疗机构最具冲击力的是竞争机制的引入,将医疗机构推向市场。The most impactive feature in the reform of medical system is the introduction of competition mechanism.

提出了基于脉冲电磁力随焊控制焊接应力及变形新方法。New idea to control welding residual stress and distortion with trailing impactive electromagnetic force was given.

在计算过程中,考虑了撞击点和加强筋的相对位置关系。During the process of calculation, the relative ubiety between impactive location and stiffener is taken into account.

损伤能量的大小,对SH治疗髋臼软骨冲击伤的疗效有一定影响。The severity of impactive energy had some influence on SH for the treatment of impactive injury of acetabular cartilage.

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软骨细胞凋亡可能是软骨细胞早期损伤的反应之一。The severity of chondrocyte apoptosis was related with the severity of impactive energy and the injury of cartilage nearly.

公司始终不渝地坚持窗饰产品的开拓与发展,到今天,已成为一家具有相当影响力的窗饰生产企业。Through steadfastly exploiting and developing, the company becomes an impactive one among the window decoration manufacturers now.

第二章对独立董事及相关概念,影响独立董事“独立性”的要素进行了分析。Chapter two analyses the meanings of independent director and relating term, and impactive factor on independence of independent director.

实时的动态显示和经过彩色合成的遥感影像的纹理映射,具备了较强的视觉冲击效应。What's more, dynamic show run time and texture mapping of RS image by color composition are provided with strongly impactive visual effect.

二十一世纪是一个文化冲击的时代,企业文化以文化的力量构筑企业核心竞争力,成为促进企业持久发展的内驱力。The 21th century is a cultural impactive era, enterprise cultures use the power of culture to build up their core competitive power, this will make enterprises develop sustainedly.

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模型相似设计是确保模爆试验能够尽可能真实地反映原型爆炸冲击动力性状的关键之一。The design of scale model similitude is one of keys to insure that simulation explosion test can really reflect the dynamic characters of prototype under impactive load due to exploding.