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我会永远真诚。I'd be eternally faithfull.

它永远是个奇数。It's eternally an odd number.

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我们感受到了火焰大智大内美。We feel the flame eternally inside us.

唯此,友谊才能持久常存。Only by doing this can friendship last eternally.

他总是大清早给我打电话。He is eternally telephoning me early in the morning.

我终将发现我的真命天女,所以我不会一直一个人。And eternally i would find the daughter of dragon of mine.

愿母亲笑声永荡,歌声常鸣!I wish Mama could keep her laughter and her song eternally.

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我们也永远铭记那些英雄的官兵们。And we eternally remember those heroic officers and soldiers.

酒神,一向是西方艺术的最根本的永恒原型。Dionysus is eternally the fundamental archetype in western art.

人权的特性便是永远保持美好和纯洁。The property of right is to remain eternally beautiful and pure.

真正的爱,黏在一起后,是永生永世都分不开的。When true love is found between the couple, it will last eternally.

在太平洋的孤岛上,生命就像悬在刀刃上一样,总是朝不保夕。Life on an isolated Pacific island is eternally poised on a knife-edge.

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两种取向的社会心理学将永远存在和发展下去。So the two branch of social psychologies will exist and develop eternally.

这两对少年不久便将跟我们一起在神庙中缔结永久的鸳盟。For in the temple, by and by, with us These couples shall eternally be knit.

“你若是把我那点火焰摇灭了,我可要永远感谢你了。”他说。You had made me eternally your debtor had you shaken out the flame, " he said."

我努力想结束这一切,才发现我早已落入万劫不复深渊。I'm trying to end it all, I had discovered the fall into the abyss doomed eternally.

一个匿名人在我没有请求就把它邮寄给我,我永远欠着这个人一份情。An anonymous person, to whom I shall eternally be in debt, mailed me an unsolicited copy.

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我还主张将选择安乐死作为自主的成年人的一项权利,使他们在患有绝症的时候可以有所选择。I also advocated it as a right for autonomous adults to choose if they are eternally ill.

金钱的问题会在眨眼间消失,并且,你永远都是富足的。Money problems can evaporate in the blink of an eye, and that you are eternally abundant.

这个无尽中的永远创化,和永远更新的呼吸,形成了宇宙。It is the Eternally creative and renewing breathing within the eternal becoming of the Universe.