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灵跃活祭在高雄。HosannaFire in Kaohsiung.

高雄港就在您的左边。Kaohsiung Harbor is on your left.

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我是土生土长的高雄人。I was born and raised in Kaohsiung.

高雄并不经常下雨。It does not rain very often in Kaohsiung.

梦时代购物中心。Dream Mall, Qianzhen Dist. , Kaohsiung City.

南部的高雄市也出现了集会游行。Another rally swamped Kaohsiung in the south.

高雄市青年路街道景观规划设计准则之研拟。Criteria at Road Cing-Nian of Kaohsiung City.

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于台湾高雄的一群木工爱好者。It is an amateur woodworker club in Kaohsiung.

我为观光客导览高雄的景点。I guide tourists to attractions around Kaohsiung.

绿绣眼是高雄县的县鸟。The White-eye is county bird of Kaohsiung County.

台北和高雄的天气是不一样的。The weather is different in Taipei and Kaohsiung.

西子湾是高雄的其中一个风景。Si-Zih-Wan is one of the scenic spots in Kaohsiung.

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爱情河穿过工业城市——高雄市。Love River penetrates the industrial city, Kaohsiung.

高雄县的客家族群主要住在美浓。Most Hakka groups of Kaohsiung County live inMeinong.

高雄县路竹大立鸡场产卵量甚大。This farm at Kaohsiung produces eggs in great volume.

这是罗丹对于高雄的第一印象。Roldan referring to his first impression of Kaohsiung.

老实说,我是土生土长的高雄人。To tell you the truth , I was born and raised in kaohsiung.

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欢迎参加香港至高雄越洋赛船艇报名。Welcome all present The Hong Kong to Kaohsiung Race Yachts.

台南到高雄的单程票是新台币69元。A one-way ticket from Tainan to Kaohsiung costs 69 NT dollars.

爱河是严松德最喜欢的景点之一。Love River is one of Alexandre's favorite places in Kaohsiung.