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骨质增生能够治疗好吗?Can be bone hyperplasia treated?

治疗骨质增生的方法?Treat the method of bone hyperplasia?

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有关骨质增生的问题?About the problem of bone hyperplasia?

能抚慰乳腺增生发育。To assuage the development of mammary hyperplasia.

乳腺增生不能喝蜂蜜水吗?。Cannot mammary gland hyperplasia drink honey water?

这种贫血的铁贮量正常,骨髓表现为增殖型。Active hyperplasia could be seen in the bone marrow.

子宫、卵巢组织发生不同程度的增生与充血。Hyperplasia and hyperemia existed in matrix and ovary.

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乳腺纤维瘤属于乳腺增生吗?Does mammary gland fibroma belong to mammary gland hyperplasia?

腰椎骨质增生的最佳治疗方法是???Is the optimal treatment method of lumbar bone hyperplasia? ? ?

中间型细胞及血管周细胞增生。The hyperplasia of intermediate cells and pericytes was present.

右锁骨残端活检示淋巴管增生。Right clavicle biopsy exibited vascular hyperplasia in bone marrow.

乳腺癌和乳腺增生有什么区别?。What distinction do breast cancer and mammary gland hyperplasia have?

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小叶增生应该注意什么,需要手术治疗吗?。What should flocculus hyperplasia notice, need an operation to treat?

IGF2基因表达水平的降低可能与脂肪细胞的增殖有关。The expression decrease of IGF2 may be related to adipocyte hyperplasia.

高倍镜示增生前列腺的腺体增生。At higher magnification, the enlarged prostate has glandular hyperplasia.

探讨肉芽组织增生与再生的机理。To determine the function of hyperplasia and repopulation of granulation.

超声医师对于“乳腺增生症”的诊断应谨慎。Mammary gland hyperplasia should be diagnosed circumspectly by ultrasound.

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血管淋巴样增生伴嗜酸粒细胞增多症。The diagnosis of angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia was confirmed.

脚趾会不会发生骨质增生呢?严重时会动手术吗?。Can toe produce bone hyperplasia? Serious when can you perform an operation?

长期激活可导致球旁器的增生。Long-term stimulation may lead to hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular complex.