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和你的投资者通力合作。Collaborate with your investors.

并且与网络上的其他人合作。And to collaborate with others on the web.

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他们通过wikis和谷歌的程序来合作。They collaborate through wikis and Google apps.

整天和我们共事的人们都在那里。The people I collaborate with all day are there.

你会和我合作完成这个项目吗?Will you collaborate with me to finish the project?

我们找到了一种共同点。we start reflecting on that as a way to collaborate.

尽管如此,我们仍然在努力协作业务内容。We still struggle, though, to collaborate on business content.

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未来如何携手合作促进台湾艺术教育领域的发展?How shall we collaborate for the advancement of arts education?

组织小组活动所以每个人都能获得乐趣和协作。Organize group events so everyone can have fun and collaborate.

要获得成功,所有这些全球分布的团队必须通力合作。To be successful, all of these teams must collaborate globally.

你也可以协作着一同运用,这样就到达一举两得的效果。You can also collaborate with the application, so get a double.

也许你会希望同指导设计师合作。Maybe you'll want to collaborate with an instructional designer.

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你需要与他们合作、循序渐进的按着计划做事。You will need to collaborate and do follow-ups on your projects.

但是他们缺乏对人们如何分享与合作的理解。But what they lack is a sense of how people share and collaborate.

术语表用户可以为业务术语的定义提供协助。Glossary users may collaborate on the definition of a business term.

美国国家海洋和大气层管理局还将与一些学术和民间组织合作。NOAA also would collaborate with academic and private organizations.

我觉得是我参与团队协作的能力、与人共事的能力帮了我的忙。A.I think it was my ability to work in teams, my ability to collaborate.

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通过使用其富客户端工具,这些社区成员可以进行协作。Community members can collaborate together using their rich-client tools.

公司里100个同事,你每天又有多少一起协作共事了呢?Of the 100 people in your office, how many do you collaborate with daily?

我和我的女朋友合作写这个故事,而她在世界的另一边。I collaborate with my girlfriend for the story who lives across the world.