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我是奔向泉源的水。I am water rushing to the wellhead.

美的源泉是大自然之美。Beautiful wellhead is beauty of nature.

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FPSO既不同于船,也不同于井口平台。FPSO is neither a ship nor a wellhead platform.

安装井口时,上紧各螺丝。Tighten all the screws when installing the wellhead.

我们保证石油和天然气从井口源源不断流向客户!We keep oil and gas moving from the wellhead to the customer!

情感的水源,孕育了多彩的生活,至诚的生命!Affective wellhead was bred to be polychrome life and sincere life!

深水钻油平台漏油的一个鸟瞰画面。An aerial view of the oil leaked from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead.

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的成功经验将在未来的井口平台上进一步应用。On WHP-A will now be further applied to the future Wellhead Platforms.

用于工业钻探井口凝固胶体配料、提高粘度。For industrial drilling wellhead solidified gel ingredients, improve the viscosity.

采用注水方式开发的油田,随着原油含水率的升高,井口出油温度也将升高。The wellhead fluid temp. will increase with the increase of water cut in the crude.

节约用水,就是节约我们生命的源泉,也仅仅是举手之劳而已。The wellhead saving on water , being to save our life, is to lift a finger also only.

套管头及采气井口是完井采气井口装置,使用可靠关系到一口井长期采气的安全。The reliabilities of casing head and gas-producing wellhead are related with the producing safety.

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我走到井场的时候,看见油气正在从井口往外喷使我大吃一惊。When I walked into the well site, I was surprised to see oil and gas blowing out from the wellhead.

法兰广泛用井口装置、采油树及其它井控设备,作连接用。Flange widely used wellhead equipment, oil trees and other well control equipment for connecting with.

安装在井口装置中的一个阀。它提供通向非生产套管的套管环形空间的通路。A valve installed in the wellhead assembly to provide access to the casing annulus of non-producing casings.

由于石油持续从深水地平线井口泄漏,一艘船演示穿过墨西哥海湾。A ship maneuvers itself across the Gulf of Mexico as oil continues to leak from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead.

由装在井口装置上的立式气动缸驱动的一种有杆泵。抽油杆柱由气动缸中的活塞上的气体压力带动。A type of artificial pump using a sucker-rod pump driven by an vertical pneumatic cylinder mounted on the wellhead.

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依据裘比公式建立了一种新的聚合物驱油井口注入压力预测方法。Anew forecasting method of wellhead injection pressure for polymer flooding is established based on Dupuit formula.

国外天然气价格分井口价、城市门站价和终端用户价。Foreign natural gas prices are divided into a wellhead price, an urban gate station price, and a terminal user price.

接单根过程中利用回压泵向环空中泵入钻井液产生的井口回压控制井底压力。When making a connection, wellhead back pressure is caused by pumping drilling mud in annular through automated pump.