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这就是奉献。That is dedication.

但献身精神是必不可少的。But dedication is a must.

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我钦慕这位牧师的奉献精神。I admire the priest's dedication.

叶琛的心愿很快就将实现了。Soon his dedication will be complete.

迴向主要是一个菩提愿。Dedication is essentially a Bodhi wish.

同时受公用契约规限的范围。Area also subject to Deed of Dedication.

她的奉献精神总是让我震惊。Her dedication constantly astonishes me.

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曾经的倔强,变成今天的执着。Once cuSsed. Into Today's DediCation . !

她对工作的奉献精神可钦可佩。Her dedication to her work was admirable.

在那两个月后,马伦去世了。Mahlon died two months after the dedication.

缐谁苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。Who pale I wait, the irony of my dedication.

仆人以平等的奉献做每一件事情。Servants do every task with equal dedication.

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竭诚为三晋患者服务。Shanxi services for patients with dedication.

社会福利彩票是爱的奉献。Social welfare lottery is dedication to love.

在耶路撒冷有修殿节.是冬天的时候。Then came the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem.

有很强的敬业精神和职业道德。With strong professional dedication andl ethics.

我们可以把献词写在这页的上方。We can put the dedication at the top of the page.

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在我上一部作品的献辞中,我就这样告诉过你。I told you that in the dedication of my last work.

真仆人以同样的奉献心志实行每个任务Real servants do every task with equal dedication.

减少你担忧的频率需要奉献精神。Decreasing your tendency to worry takes dedication.