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纯合子是致命的。The homozygous form is fatal.

自体受精不能分离纯合的生理小种。Homozygous races do not segregate on selfing.

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当一个生物是显性纯合子时,它就有两个显性基因。When an organism is homozygous dominant, it has two dominant genes.

对于相同的等位基因来说,父母本的等位基因都要是纯合的。This requires both parents to be homozygous for same alleles in question.

加在一起,将有半数的后代在那个特定的位点上是纯合的。Altogether, half the offspring will be homozygous at that particular locus.

纯合的四倍体是一个相对平衡的系统,继续选择是无效的。Homozygous tetraploid is a relatively balanced system, the continued selection is invalid.

一个基因可有许多等位基因,而个体可有纯合或杂合的基因型。A gene can have many alleles and individuals can have a homozygous or heterozygous genotype.

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单倍体再用秋水仙碱处理后获得DH系,所得材料对油菜功能基因组学的研究可能有一定的价值。We generated completely homozygous DH lines as a model system for functional genomics work in B.

同时说明基因之间的互作对基因聚合后的最终效果可能存在影响。We finally got the ideal individuals, which are homozygous at the four target genes simultaneously.

指等位基因在杂合状态和纯合状态都有表达的现象。In genetics, refers to an allele that is expressed in both the heterozygous and homozygous condition.

抗虫鉴定结果发现这些纯系对褐飞虱具有明显的抑制作用。Insect bioassay results showed that these homozygous lines had significant inhibition to brown planthopper.

他们的新生女儿去年死于一种破坏性很强的侏儒相关性疾病,叫做纯合软骨发育不良。Their newborn daughter died last year from a devastating dwarfism-related disease called homozygous achondroplasia.

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而且,苯达松敏感致死基因对水稻的农艺性状和杂交优势没有不良的影响。Furthermore, the gene has no negative effects on agronomic traits no matter whether it is homozygous or heterozygous.

杂交的双亲只有一个基因位置不同,对它来说,每个亲本是有一个不同的等位基因混合的。The hybrid of parents that differ at only one gene locus, for which each parent is homozygous with a different allele.

多数植物带有大量有害的隐性基因的“遗传负荷”,其中少数是纯合的,因而降低了生长。Most plants carry a large genetic load for deleterious recessive genes of which a few are homozygous and depress growth.

与此一致的是白叶枯病菌在杂合和纯合感病植株上的生长没有显著差别。In accordance with this, bacterial growth in heterozygous and homozygous susceptible lines is not significantly different.

经过鉴定证明这些纯系在纯度、遗传稳定性和配合力等方面均可以与常规自交系相比拟。Those pure lines derived from the homozygous diploids resemble routine inbred line in purity, genetic stability and combining ability.

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模型显示患有纯合型alpha型地中海贫血症的儿童需要失去比正常儿童更多的红细胞才能患上急性疟疾性贫血。This showed that children with homozygous alpha thalassaemia have to lose more red blood cells than their normal counterparts to get SMA.

影响肝素结合位点的功能性缺陷,使杂合子个体有中度风险患VTE、纯合子个体有高度风险患VTE。The functional defect affecting the heparin-binding site confers moderate risk of VTE to heterozygous and high risk of VTE to homozygous individuals.

自交杂合子有一半杂合性,因此远系繁殖可以产生适应能量更强的种群。Selfing heterozygotes halves the heterozygosity, and thus outbreeding maintains heterozygosity and produces a more adaptable population. Compare homozygous.