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首先是XLF投资的多元化。First, the XLF is diversified.

需要对你的资产的多样性优劣作一个评估吗?Need an assessment of how well your assets are diversified?

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但美国运通声称将采用更多样化的融资模式。But Amex says it will keep a more diversified funding model.

可以绘制各种等值线图和三维立体图。It can plot diversified Isoline Figure and 3-D solid figure.

不过易卜拉希姆也投资多种合法企业。But Ibrahim has also diversified into legitimate enterprises.

我们发现,美食是澳门特色小吃文化的使者。We observe that food is the ambassador of diversified cultures.

采用多样化的处置手段。Adopting diversified means of non-performing assets disposition.

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剩下的是以多种经营系统为主的非优质资产。Now, diversified economy systems own only non-superiority assets.

译阿肯色州的气候适宜于多种农业。The climate of Arkansas is favorable to diversified agricultures.

阿肯色州的气候适宜于多种农业。The climate of Arkansas is favourable to diversified agricultures.

为降低风险,你也可以选择投资多种行业的优先股。To reduce risk, you can invest in a diversified group of preferreds.

元贞于2009年推行集团多元化发展战略。A-One began executing the strategy of diversified developing in 2009.

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数词在汉语成语中的使用是灵活多样的。Numerals are used in flexible and diversified ways in Chinese idioms.

礼仪在藏民族生活中无时无处不在,其形式多种多样。The etiquettes of the Tibetan people are omnipresent and diversified.

后来,诺基亚涉足电视和电脑业务,均未获成功。Nokia diversified into televisions and computers without much success.

另外,顾客的需求也日益个性化、多样化。Besides, the demand of clients is growingly individual and diversified.

他认为帕拉州需要的是一个更加强有力的税收基础,和更加多样化的经济。He reckons Pará needs a stronger tax base and more diversified economy.

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燕晓哲是爱荷华多民族社区的主要发展驱动力。Sallow is a major driving force in Iowa's diversified ethnic community.

Meme是用许多有着不同想法和观点的人们组成的网络社区。Meme is a diversified community of people with distinct opinions and views.

在这个“城中城”里人们可以很方便地享受各种各样的达到国际标准的服务。In this town of the city, people can enjoy diversified world-class services.