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还有一个问题是频密交易There's also a tendency for churning for commission.

所有这些变迁和动荡带来了巨大的焦虑。All of this flux and churning creates enormous anxiety.

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因为起了大风,海就翻腾起来。And because a strong wind was blowing, the sea was churning.

“周期表的所有元素都存在于这锅熔岩汤中,”西姆斯说。"The whole periodic table is churning in there, " Sims said.

十多年来,他一直在大量粗制滥造侦探小说。He has been churning out detective stories for more than ten years.

冰山也年夜概出乎意料地翻腾,狠恶地搅动附近的水体。Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, churning the waters around them.

批评者指责说,这些学院里成就了一批虽然满口行话滔滔不绝,却是破坏了经济之徒。Critics have accused them of churning out jargon-spewing economic vandals.

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翻腾的岩屑到达相对顺直的河道壁的地段。The churning debris reached a relatively straight-wall segment of the channel.

他们带着惊奇、迷惘、急躁、心头翻滚的情绪盯着那条公路。With fascination and wonder and hot, churning emotion, they stared at the road.

天地初分,从创世主不安的梦魂的翻腾中,升起了两个女人①。一个是天国乐园的舞女,男人热切追慕的对象。IN the beginning of time, there rose from the churning of God's dream two women.

幸存者纷纷逃离滚滚水流,奔向这南太平洋小岛上地势较高的地方。Survivors fled the churning water for higher ground on the South Pacific island.

那些晕船类的贴片真的能帮助你在船上不反胃恶心。Those motion-sickness patches can really help calm a churning stomach on a boat.

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运动病粘贴剂确实有助于平息晕船的人翻江倒海的胃部感觉。Those motion-sickness patches can really help calm a churning stomach on a boat.

我们后来是在当地一家小烧烤店吃的午餐,店旁就是湍急的巴拉河。We lunched at a local barbecue joint hard by the banks of the churning Bala River.

他站在一块露出海面的高高的黑色岩石上,海浪在他脚下翻滚,泛起泡沫。He was standing upon a high outcrop of dark rock, water foaming and churning below him.

这些简单的想法,注册已生产了几十年的顶级赛狗。And with those simple ideas, Reg has been churning out top class greyhounds for decades.

在中国大陆的浙江省,已经疲软的莫里克在周一仍对温州肆虐蹂躏。In Zhejiang Province in China, the weakened storm was still churning over Wenzhou on Monday.

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搅拌之后把冰激凌盛到保鲜盒中,然后放进冰箱,直至完全成型。After churning transfer the ice cream into some Tupperware. Place it the freezer until it sets.

任何一款平台都要用很长的时间才能趋于成熟,而Web框架这个领域至今还仍是动荡不休。Platforms take a long time to mature, and the web-framework space is really churning right now.

一些手头拮据的教师或拥有博士头衔的学生正通过为别人滥造论文谋生。Some hard-up masters or doctorate students are making a living by churning out papers for others.