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他们抵达仁川港西北海岸。They arrived at the port of Inchon on the northwest coast.

如今,作为一名营级指挥官,他在釜山及仁川的表现良好。Now, as a battalion commander, he had done well at Pusan and Inchon.

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我参加了仁川登陆,这次登陆终结了北朝鲜军的攻势并从背后摧毁了它。I was in the Inchon landing that came in and devastated the North from behind.

在成功实施仁川登陆后,美国再次推翻了其先前的立场。After the success of the Inchon landing, theAmericans again reversed positions.

我想他们怕有人从仁川起飞往北35英里,然后第三次世界大战就爆发了。I guess they dont trust the people to not start WW III by flying 35 miles north of Inchon into North Korea.

显然,仁川港是首选的目标,毕竟汉城的穿城河并非好的二等领土。Obviously the ports at Inchon would be the natural target as the river through Seoul is not good sub territory.

我们到仁川主要是去月尾岛,那其实是个港湾,现在是游乐场,当年就是联合口口登陆的地方。We arrived at inchon is mainly to each island, it is actually a harbour, now is the playground, was jointly repeatedly landed place.

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当9月份在仁川的两栖登陆行动扭转战争局势时,舰载机就在空中提供掩护并且在此后一直掌握着制空权。When the amphibious landing at Inchon reversed the course of the war in September, carrier aircraft were overhead and maintained air supremacy thereafter.

南下进攻也将暴露出北朝鲜军队的侧翼和后方补给线,让美军有机会重演像上次朝鲜战争期间,在仁川登陆进行两栖攻击的辉煌。Such movement would also expose the flanks, rear and supply lines of an advancing North Korean army to amphibious attack like the brilliant US landing at Inchon during the Korean War.

早在1987年,韩国英昌乐器收购了韦伯品牌,开始在仁川总部进行生产,并把全部韦伯钢琴出口到世界各地。Early in 1987 young chang instrument of Korea purchased the brand of Weber beginning to produce in the head office Inchon and exported all of the Weber pianos to every corner of the world.

预定于当天上午10时之前前往韩国金浦机场的26个客运航班全部停飞,前往木浦和仁川等地的9个海运航线也全部停运。Scheduled for 10 am the day before South Korea's Kimpo airport to 26 passenger flights grounded all went to Mokpo and Inchon and other places of the nine shipping routes and all of outages.

报道,韩国昨天出现大面积“沙尘暴”,除仁川国际机场以外,国内六个航线停飞。Meanwhile according to reports of beijing people's net a huge'sandstorm'occurred in south korea yesterday. with the exception of inchon international airport six domestic air routes were disrupted.

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另据北京人民网报导,韩国昨天出现大面积“沙尘暴”,除仁川国际机场以外,国内六个航线停飞。Meanwhile according to reports of beijing people's net a huge'sandstorm'occurred in south korea yesterday. with the exception of inchon international airport six domestic air routes were disrupted.