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艾克明的定货吗?我今天早上寄出去了。The Acme order?I mailed it out this morning.

舒伯特的技巧在他十分年轻时即已达顶峰。Schubert reach the acme of his skill while quite young.

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哈洛德,请你开张支票给极致钢琴公司。Harold, please make the check out to Acme Piano Company.

这个新艾克美牌的电饭锅的品质真好。This new Acme brand rice cooker is really A-one quality.

在登峰有限公司,客户服务是我们的重心。At Acme Incorporated, customer service is our main focus.

我认为ACME过份强调市场份额了。I think market share has been overemphasized here at ACME.

我的祖父Denton造这所房子时,这里可以算作是时尚的尖端。When my grandfather Denton built it, it was the acme of fashion.

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不旋转的阀杆具有精密的梯形螺纹和抛光光洁度。Non-rotating stem with precision Acme threads and burnished finish.

纯酿五十年经典。极致辅仁。品味生活。Brewing fifty years classics purely. The acme Fu Jen, savors the live.

兵不血刃地征服敌人是技巧的极致。他写道。"To subdue the enemy without fighting", he wrote, "is the acme of skill. "

羞赧地在你的目光中千娇百媚地重生了自己。Blushed bashfully in yours vision acme of beauty and deportment rebirth own.

许多人会将tansu柜子这种工艺作为日本木工工艺的极致。Many would regard the crafting of tansu chests as the acme of the woodworking craft in Japan.

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小说的艺术表现可以说是达到了出神入化的境界。It can be said that the artistic presentation of the novel has reached the acme of perfection.

手动执行器轴是单导短梯形螺纹,带一件重型焊接夹子。Manual actuator stems are single lead stub acme threads with one piece heavy duty clip welded on.

这正是“材美”所要达到的为人所用的极致。This is " material is beautiful " the acme that the humanness place that place should reach uses.

在神话西方文化的同时,对自身文化的自我妖魔化也达到了极致状态。While myth Western culture, our own culture's self-demonization also achieved the acme condition.

而晚上又阴超阳。两大极致。造成了鬼域缺口阴阳眼。And again in the evening Yin super Yang. Two big acme. Caused the ghost domain gap Yin and Yang eye.

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不旋转的阀杆具有精密的梯形螺纹和抛光光洁度。双梯形螺纹使得操作更加快速。Non-rotating stem with precision Acme threads and burnished finish. Double Acme for faster operation.

下文是人事部主任给阿克默出版公司总裁的建议信。The following is a recommendation from the personnel director to the president of Acme Publishing Company.

体验超高分辨率数字视频和多声道数字环绕音频的极致享受。Digital video and experience ultra-high resolution digital surround audio channels more the acme of enjoyment.